Musk’s Starlink: Aiding Terrorists in Myanmar

Source: Democratic Voice of Burma, “funded in part by non-governmental organizations such as Free Voice of the Netherlands, the National Endowment for Democracy, and the Freedom of Expression Foundation.” – Wikipedia.

David Eubank, the founder of the Free Burma Rangers, expressed his gratitude to Elon Musk in a Tweet on Twitter for bringing Starlink Internet to some parts of Kayah (Karenni) State, which previously lacked stable internet access due to the civil war.

Free Burma Rangers boss thanks Elon Musk for bringing Starlink internet to Myanmar’s conflict-ridden Kayah

H/T: Jason Hunt


An Overview of the Activities of Intelligence Organizations in Syria – The Free Burma Rangers (archived)

If US Can’t Have Myanmar, No One Will

US Ambassador To China: “We’re The Leader” Of The Indo-Pacific

A recent US Chamber of Commerce InSTEP program hosted three empire managers to talk about Washington’s top three enemies, with the US ambassador to China Nicholas Burns discussing the PRC, the odious Victoria Nuland discussing Russia, and the US ambassador to Israel Tom Nides talking about Iran.

US Ambassador To China: “We’re The Leader” Of The Indo-Pacific


The Nazi roots of the ‘Indo-Pacific strategy’

West Caught Meddling in Bosnia Election

Oct 12, 2022 – Who is helping Bosnia recount the votes of their Presidential election? It turns out that the UK and NATO are helping with this recount even though the law in Bosnia does not allow this. So why do some countries get a vote recount and others do not? Who has something to gain here? We speak to Bosnian independent journalist Alexsandar Pavic to break this down.

West caught MEDDLING in Bosnia election, recount in doubt | Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris via Redacted


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Bulgarian prime minister Kiril Petkov resigns after losing no-confidence motion

The Petkov-led coalition government was formed last year after two inconclusive snap elections following the ouster of Boyko Borisov’s conservative regime

Bulgarian prime minister Kiril Petkov resigns after losing no-confidence motion


Bulgaria’s no-confidence vote could hamper EU expansion

Petkov, a Harvard-educated businessman, formed a four-party coalition government in December. He has pushed for a resolution to a bilateral ethno-cultural dispute that has blocked North Macedonia and Albania’s bids to join the EU. Bulgaria is a member of the EU and NATO.

I suppose the Balkans would have Western puppets as leaders. *sigh*