What is happening in Kosovo?

We reproduce below with thanks an article published by the Anti-Imperialist Front regarding the serious unrest that has lately erupted in the Serbian breakaway province of Kosovo between ethnic Serbians in the north and the puppet Kosovan authorities.

What is happening in Kosovo?

Video via Anti Imperialist Front TV


The Rambouillet text, which called on Serbia to admit NATO troops throughout Yugoslavia, was a provocation, an excuse to start bombing. Rambouillet is not a document that an angelic Serb could have accepted. It was a terrible diplomatic document that should never have been presented in that form. – Henry Kissinger

Rambouillet Agreement

Biden, Lapid sign Jerusalem Declaration

While the document lays out a platform for continued US-Israeli cooperation, there are still signs the two are divided on diplomacy with Tehran.

Biden, Lapid sign Jerusalem Declaration


Full Text of The Jerusalem Declaration on the US-Israel Strategic Partnership

The United States and Israel affirm that they will continue to work together to combat all efforts to boycott or de-legitimize Israel, to deny its right to self-defense, or to unfairly single it out in any forum, including at the United Nations or the International Criminal Court. While fully respecting the right to freedom of expression, they firmly reject the BDS campaign. The two countries will use the tools at their disposal to fight every scourge and source of antisemitism and to respond whenever legitimate criticism crosses over into bigotry and hatred or attempts to undermine Israel’s rightful and legitimate place among the family of nations. In this context, they express their deep concern over the global surge in antisemitism and reassert their commitment to counter this ancient hatred in all of its manifestations. The United States is proud to stand with the Jewish and democratic State of Israel, and with its people, whose uncommon courage, resilience, and spirit of innovation are an inspiration to so many worldwide.

Mystery of Ukraine’s disappearing Nazis

By Dr Gregory Slysz | June 21, 2022

LET’S cast our minds back to the build-up to the Euro football championship in 2012, co-hosted by Ukraine and Poland. There was only one story in the mainstream media then: both countries were hotbeds of Nazism and anti-Semitism, said the BBC’s investigative documentary Stadiums of Hate, andneither of them should have been allowed to host the tournament. Fans were warned by ex-England footballer Sol Campbell to stay at home or ‘you could end up coming back in a coffin’. The story gathered momentum among other Western media, provoking last-ditch efforts by footballing nations to have the tournament moved. There was ‘the creep of extremism reminiscent of the 1930s’, declared Paul Hayward of the Daily Telegraph.

Mystery of Ukraine’s disappearing Nazis

H/T: Unorthodox Truth


Neo-Nazis are exploiting Russia’s war in Ukraine for their own purposes (Rita Katz)

U.S. inconsistencies highlighted by the Buffalo shooting

U.S. inconsistencies highlighted by the Buffalo shooting

However, this excuse doesn’t wash. The U.S. liberal elite order knows very well they have been supporting Nazis and that interests are more important than ideology. Tellingly, Amazon profits from selling the Azov Battalion’s merchandise, with its white-supremacist sonnenrad symbol behind a modified swastika. At least they did until it was pulled after the Buffalo shooting.


Video by Turncoat Don on YouTube

Buffalo shooter wore same Nazi symbol as Ukrainian military

The Buffalo Mass Shooter’s Inconvenient Manifesto

West’s Support for Extremism “Blows Back” in New York Shooting

Mainstream Media is still ignoring this and even trying to turn it into ‘Russian disinformation.’

Israel Freaks Out as Gabriel Boric’s Elections Signals New Direction for Chile

Israel Freaks Out as Gabriel Boric’s Elections Signals New Direction for Chile

Chile’s new president, however, is far from a radical and has gone out of his way to distance himself from other socialist governments currently under American attack. He has long been a critic of Venezuela and the administration of Nicolas Maduro. In November, he also wrote off the elections in Nicaragua (won by leftist President Daniel Ortega) as a “sham,” even going so far as to extend his “solidarity” to Cristina Chamorro Barrios, leader of an ultra-conservative party and a prominent member of Nicaragua’s most powerful family.

No wonder Biden approves!

Naphtali Bennett to head Israeli “government of change” to oust Netanyahu

Naphtali Bennett to head Israeli “government of change” to oust Netanyahu

There have been questions raised in the media as to whether Netanyahu would mount new provocations against the Palestinians in East Jerusalem, promote acts of terrorism by Jewish fanatics against Israeli Palestinians, seek to mount a coup similar to that former US President Donald Trump, or launch a provocative move against Iran to maintain his grip on power.

Netanyahu Is Leading Israel Into Civil War Between Jews and Palestinians + More

Netanyahu Is Leading Israel Into Civil War Between Jews and Palestinians

What is indisputable, though, is his greatest decades-long magic trick: Building an almost impermeable bubble around Israeli Jews to shield and blind them from both entrenched oppression of, and escalating violence against, the Palestinians, both inside the 1967 borders and beyond them.

A whole generation of Jewish Israelis, raised in the safest (for them) Israel ever, have grown up with no awareness of the Green Line at all. They heard stories about the intifadas but for them, the conflict was ‘well-maintained’ and mostly out of sight and mind. The Abraham Accords, with the eager, unconditional embrace of Gulf states, seemed to prove that the there was no ‘Palestinian issue’ anymore.

What they couldn’t see from their segregated world was that for Palestinians, the conflict never ended.

More Israeli-Palestinian News:

Hypocrisy kills

Israel’s War Cabinet Approves Escalated Aggression on Gaza

Enough is Enough: It is Time for Apartheid to End, by Kenn Orphan

by Kenn Orphan Writer, Dandelion Salad Halifax, Nova Scotia May 12, 2021

I have anxiety in my heart tonight. I have friends in Gaza, the West Bank and Israel, Palestinians and Israeli Jews, and I am truly fearing for them. Several of them have reported explosions close to their homes. Buildings and entire blocks have been flattened in Gaza, rockets have fallen in Tel Aviv, and rightwing Israeli mobs are terrorizing Palestinians at Al Aqsa Mosque. And this feels like the build up of something big. Like it felt before the 2014 assault on Gaza. I pray this isn’t so, but it is difficult to ignore the signs.

Enough is Enough: It is Time for Apartheid to End, by Kenn Orphan
