Ukrainian MP: We will vote to ban the UOC by the anniversary of the invasion

Oleksandr Aliksiychuk stated that MPs plan to vote on the bill to ban the UOC in February 2024.

MP from “Servant of the People” Oleksandr Aliksiychuk stated that the second reading of the bill to ban the UOC will be voted on in February 2024, dedicating it to the second anniversary of the Russian invasion. He said this in an interview with the public organization “Holka”.

MP: We will vote to ban the UOC by the anniversary of the invasion


US lawyer sends “White Book” on draft law against UOC to the Verkhovna Rada

The US has a long history of interfering in the Orthodox Church

To Be Updated: USAID is sponsoring YouTube channels

How Democracy Can Win: The Right Way to Counter Autocracy

The most important step the United States can take to counter foreign influence campaigns and disinformation is to help our partners promote media and digital literacy, communicate credibly with their publics, and engage in “pre-bunking”—that is, seeking to inoculate their societies against disinformation before it can spread. In Indonesia, for example, USAID has worked with local partners to develop sophisticated online courses and games that help new social media users identify disinformation and reduce the likelihood that they will share misleading posts and articles.

The United States has also helped Ukraine in its fight against the Kremlin’s propaganda and disinformation. For decades, USAID has worked to enhance the media environment in the country, encouraging reforms that allow greater access to public information and supporting the emergence of strong local media organizations, including the public broadcaster Suspilne. After Russia’s initial invasion of Ukraine in 2014, our work expanded to help the country’s local journalists produce Russian-language programming that could reach into Kremlin-occupied territories, such as Dialogues With Donbas, a YouTube channel that featured honest conversations with Ukrainians about life behind Russian lines. We also helped support the production of the online comedy show Newspalm, which regularly racks up tens of thousands of views as it skewers Putin’s lies. And even before Moscow’s full-scale invasion began in February 2022, we worked with the government of Ukraine to stand up the Center for Strategic Communications, which uses memes [memetic warfare], well-produced digital videos, and social media and Telegram posts to poke holes in Kremlin propaganda.

I still need to look into Newspalm. I’ll update if I find anything. As I don’t know Ukrainian, or Russian, I’m using Google translate for the following information. Note, this is all speculation!


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Volodymyr Zelensky and ethnopolitics

President Zelensky has just been named by Time magazine “politician of the year 2022”. It is not to have realized his coup de force of July, in favor of the war. He had all the political parties that opposed him banned; assassinated the personalities who resisted him; controlled all the media, written, audiovisual and internet; banned the Russian language; destroyed 100 million books; confiscated many of the assets of the oligarchs, including the one who personally financed him; nationalized the assets of Russian investors and companies; and finally banned the Orthodox Church.

Volodymyr Zelensky and ethnopolitics

Media: Cabinet appoints an active enemy of UOC head of State Ethnic Policy + Poturaev speaks out against UOC ban: We’ll get a lawsuit in ECHR and disgrace

Media: Cabinet appoints an active enemy of UOC head of State Ethnic Policy


The Cabinet of Ministers approved the appointment of Yelenskyi to the position of head of State Policy

Yelenskyy is a member of parliament of the eighth convocation, representing the People’s Front party, and was an adviser to Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk [“Yats is the guy”] in 2014. He is a scientist, religious scholar, Doctor of Philosophy.

State Service for Ethnopolitics assumed the role of UOC MP advocate

Poturaev speaks out against UOC ban: We’ll get a lawsuit in ECHR and disgrace

Is the U.S. and NATO Running Another Operation Gladio in Europe?

Part Two of a Three-Part CAM Series on Mercenaries and Clandestine Operations in Ukraine

[In Part Two of this three-part series on foreign mercenary fighters in Ukraine, (see Part 1) the nexus between mercenaries with experience in Syria, Ukraine and U.S.-EU-NATO armed forces becomes more apparent. This second part of the investigation looks at Shaun Pinner, Alexander Tobiassen, John Harding, Sjoerd Heeger, Craig Lang and Ben Fischer.—Editors]

Is the U.S. and NATO Running Another Operation Gladio in Europe?

Archived (WordPress is now private): American YPG Fighter Complains About Group’s Lack of Medical Care

[09-07-22] International Criminal Court stops accepting Donbass Republics materials on Kiev crimes in Donbass

Donetsk, Sep 7 — DAN. The International Criminal Court has stopped accepting materials on Kiev war crimes in Donbass from representatives of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, DPR Foreign Minister Natalia Nikonorova said at a press briefing at the Donetsk News Agency on Wednesday.

International Criminal Court stops accepting Donbass Republics materials on Kiev crimes in Donbass


International Criminal Court stops accepting material from DPR