Is Assisted Suicide Really Painless?

Jordan Peterson discusses how people die by euthanasia. Some people may disagree with Peterson’s other comments but the video is informative. 

Alex Schadenberg, Executive Director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition.



YouTube: Assisted Suicide Lethal Drug Experiments on Humans in the USA

Assisted suicide is neither painless nor dignified.

Assisted Death may be a Cruel Death

Is death by euthanasia similar to death by drowning?

Is death by lethal injection (euthanasia) similar to drowning?

Aktion T4: The Nazis’ First Victims Were the Disabled

Canadian statistics on government sponsored suicide mark cause of death as ailment patient suffered before they were euthanized

Canada plans to hide its skyrocketing euthanasia deaths as a result of its Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) program by listing fatalities on the basis of “the disease or injury that initiated the train of morbid events.”

Canadian statistics on government sponsored suicide mark cause of death as ailment patient suffered before they were euthanized

H/T: Redacted with Clayton Morris