Is the China Threat Real?

Is the China Threat Real?

Imagine living in the world’s richest country but finding yourself in worse conditions than your “backyard”. Third world countries you’ve always considered underdeveloped, where historically poor, uneducated, cheap, undocumented workers and many refugees come from, are starting to look like a good place to return for a better life. A better life than the US can offer.

That is the real threat to US national security. The day citizens of the United States start to realise the truth that the current generation of Chinese citizens already have, and the next generation of Latin Americans, will have more opportunities and better prospects than they themselves do. It is the fear of this truth USA’s ruling elite would like to avoid because, at that moment in time, the people of the US will demand more of them, their country and their leadership.

Targeting Cuba and China: Disinformation against Communism

One of the filters in the Propaganda Model propounded by professors Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky was stoking a fear of communism. [1] The establishment’s anti-communism has never abated in the United States. The elitists require a populace fearful of communism to protect their own misbegotten wealth accumulation. Thus, the bugaboo of communism must be opposed wherever it arises. At its worst, the US would wage war against communist countries such as North Korea, Viet Nam, Cambodia, and Yugoslavia. When not militarily attacked, communist governments will be demonized by a relentless campaign of disinformation designed to bring about the fall of the government and its replacement by a government amenable to the US establishment, as happened in the Soviet Union. That is the nature of imperialism and predatory capitalism.

Targeting Cuba and China: Disinformation against Communism