Hollywood and left-wing foundations behind climate charity quietly bankrolling extremist protest groups

A little-known climate change advocacy organization heavily funded by celebrities and influential left-leaning foundations has been quietly dishing out grants to various activist groups deploying unorthodox and extremist methods across the world to protest fossil fuels, documents reveal.

Hollywood and left-wing foundations behind climate charity quietly bankrolling extremist protest groups


Climate Capitalists/Green Capitalism

XR: Oppressive policing = costly challenges

[I’m not a member of XR and I have problems with XR’s apolitical position on how to go about making radical change in the way we live but where I am with them all the way, is in the right to protest. If I don’t defend XR’s right to protest, I’ll be next in line. The tactics being used by the Met Police are outrageous, especially ‘pre-emptive’ policing and the violence being used against XR activists. This way lies the police state. WB]

XR: Oppressive policing = costly challenges