5/11/23 Joziah Thayer on AQAP’s Standing in Yemen

Joziah Thayer joins to show to discuss some of the work he’s done digging into the many factions and groups within Yemen and the foreign powers working to pull their strings. Scott and Thayer drill in on Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, or AQAP, and explore how the group’s standing in Yemen has changed and how the country is likely to evolve going forward.

Discussed on the show:

The CIA, AQAP, and the Never-Ending Excuse to Bomb Yemen

How the IMF & World Bank Destroyed Yemen

5/11/23 Joziah Thayer on AQAP’s Standing in Yemen

Hypocritical White House Wants to Form a Bogus Tribunal to Prosecute Russian Leader for War Crimes

Oh, the irony!?

After months of indecision, the Joe Biden administration has come out in favor of using international mechanisms to punish Russian officials for the “crime of aggression” in Ukraine. The White House has resisted Kiev’s effort to prosecute President Vladimir Putin and other Russian leaders at the International Crime Court (ICC) over fears that American officials could face similar accountability

White House Wants to Form International Tribunal to Prosecute Russian Leader for War Crimes


Iraq, Ukraine, And a World Without Accountability

Sweden Expands Espionage Law, Endangering Freedom of Journalists and Whistleblowers

Sweden’s parliament adopted a major espionage law expansion that will permit the country’s police to investigate journalists, publishers, and whistleblowers if they reveal secret information that “may damage Sweden’s relationship with another state or an international organization.”

Sweden Expands Espionage Law, Endangering Freedom of Journalists and Whistleblowers

Thailand: US-backed Opposition’s Violence Intimidates Critics, Paves Way for Regime Change

Oct 19, 2022 – The US-backed opposition in Thailand replicates in many ways the violence and intimidation the US sponsored in Ukraine from 2014 onward – just as Ukraine is meant as a proxy against Russia – a US client regime in Thailand would transform the country into a proxy against China.

An alarming incident of violence where a Thai opposition leader publicly assaulted his critic is dangerously being portrayed as “heroic” by Western-sponsored opposition media to encourage further violence and intimidation – creating the same division and destruction throughout Thai society that is currently consuming Ukraine.

Thailand: US-backed Opposition’s Violence Intimidates Critics, Paves Way for Regime Change (Odysee)- The New Atlas


The Complete Guide: US Government Role in Thailand’s “Student Protests”

The New Atlas – Why is Washington Backing Violent Mobs in Thailand?

What’s wrong with the USA?

China has been, variously described as a rising power, a sleeping dragon and a collapsing economy. Most of the rhetoric is driven from the US. Inside their government, both the Senate and Congress have anti-China hawks, their State Department seems to see a threat at every turning point and their military seems to believe that a defensive People’s liberation Army is a bad thing as it threatens US interests. Books reports and documentaries are created about mass dissatisfaction which extended academic research seems unable to identify.

What’s wrong with the USA? (archived)