Prigozhin death’s main SUSPECTS. Who benefits? Cui Bono?

Via Emil Cosman


UK military believes Prigozhin’s death was organised by FSB

We have nothing to do with this – Zelenskyy on Prigozhin’s death

Prigozhin’s body taken to medical examiner’s office as Kremlin remains silent*


*Putin breaks silence on Prigozhin plane crash as bodies taken to medical examiner’s office

Putin Offers Condolences to Families of Those Killed in Private Plane Crash in Tver Region

‘Western’ Conflict Reporting Has Come Down To “Officials On Our Side Said …”

Larry Johnson is rightfully appalled by a New York Times piece that quotes a lot from ‘officials’ but fails to check any of their obviously false claims:

“I never cease to be amazed by the utter failure of journalists to assemble facts. I think it boils down to laziness. Why should you do any independent research or thinking that requires you to go to the front lines when you can gobble up and regurgitate pre-packaged talking points? You get paid the same and hell, you might even get a Pulitzer if you are the most enthusiastic purveyor of regime bullshit.”

‘Western’ Conflict Reporting Has Come Down To “Officials On Our Side Said …”

Censorship: Donbass Insider in the Crosshairs of Newsguard, an Agency Linked to the CIA, NATO and the White House

by Donbass Insider / March 30th, 2022

On 18 March 2022, I received a letter in my e-mail box from a certain Edward O’Reilly, an analyst for NewsGuard, a sort of international Decodex (which awards green or red stickers to news sites, i.e. justifies the censorship of such and such a site), linked to the CIA, NATO and the White House, concerning their analysis of the Donbass Insider site. After having sent them packing when they saw the obvious bias of this site, they insisted and sent me a week later a series of questions, which contradict each other, and written in such a way that one has the impression that the author is writing to a 10 year old girl. Since they are so keen to have me answer them, while giving themselves the right to publish only part of my answers in their analysis (as they indicate in their e-mail), I will do so publicly, so that all my readers can have the whole of the information, and not just the part that would suit NewsGuard.

Censorship: Donbass Insider in the Crosshairs of Newsguard, an Agency Linked to the CIA, NATO and the White House