Steve Bannon And China’s Deep State

Steve Bannon And China’s Deep State

Although a century has passed since Coudenhove-Kalergi’s pan Europa was founded, the same principles are shaping the contours of our current age. Just as vast systemic crises threatening the lives of the majority of souls living on our planet press ominously against our future as they had a century ago, similar techniques of controlled opposition and games within games are used by the same oligarchical class who have orchestrated the current state of affairs. Many good people whose hearts are too large and understanding too shallow have already gotten absorbed into false narratives that frame those mortal enemies of the West as either Russia or China, while ignoring the causal hand of those same oligarchical agencies seeking to reduce all sovereign nations and cultures to rubble under a new Crusade. 

Don’t fall for it.


How a Tycoon Linked to Chinese Intelligence Became a Darling of Trump Republicans

The inscrutable aims of Steve Bannon’s enigmatic Chinese benefactor

Exclusive: The Fugitive Who Tried to Spark a US-China War

More About Guo Wengui

Canadian reporter caught falsely claiming Trudeau was briefed with names of ‘Chinese-funded’ election candidates

On November 7, 2022, Global News reporter Sam Cooper published a report titled “Canadian intelligence warned PM Trudeau that China covertly funded 2019 election candidates: Sources”. Cooper has a problem though: on November 20, Canadian PM Justin Trudeau admitted that he was never briefed about supposed Chinese-funded election candidates, doesn’t know their names (if they even exist) and only learned of the alleged Chinese election interference from media reports.

Canadian reporter caught falsely claiming Trudeau was briefed with names of ‘Chinese-funded’ election candidates

MoA: China – Protest Instigators And Zero-Covid Policies

Telegram Screenshot. Translation by Yandex.

Within the last two days the New York Times produced four anti-China opinion pieces:

Are the Chinese Protests a Moment or a Movement?

The Communist Party Is Losing China’s People

Banana Peels for Xi Jinping

Xi Broke the Social Contract That Helped China Prosper

All four predict doom for China and president Xi’s leadership. In typical color-revolution fashion the sudden onslaught of these pieces follows recent reports of minor protests in some Chinese cities related to zero-Covid measures.

China – Protest Instigators And Zero-Covid Policies

New ‘Tank Man’ Takes Down the CCP…

Oct 16, 2022 – Last week someone put a banner in prominent location in Beijing and lit some gasoline to attract police and firefighters. Is that a student protest inspired by protests in Hong Kong? Or rather a protest planned by the same people who also instructed and paid some of the students in Hong Kong? Or is it an CPC-internal intrigue even? Hear my analysis and let me know what you think.

Who is behind that protest banner in Beijing? via Harald in China

…or maybe not, but the MSM hoped it would.


Tiananmen Square

Crazy Fakes as a Sign of “Cartoon Reality”

More recently, we have been looking at a fake story about North Korea supplying arms to Russia, which the author believes to have originated from a Telegram channel of dubious validity. Unfortunately, the story had two curious sequels.

Crazy Fakes as a Sign of “Cartoon Reality”


The Deputy Director General of the Main Armament Department of the Ministry of Defense of the DPRK issued a press statement (in English)

Videos: Tracking the FAR-RIGHT Falun Gong on a Map, China Uncensored is Falun Gong (Cult).

More: Falun Gong

Falun Gong has been financed by the USAGM and State Department, as well.