The Tragedy of US Diplomacy Pushing for War, But Never Peace

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

In a brilliant op-ed published in the New York Times, the Quincy Institute’s Trita Parsi explained how China, with help from Iraq, was able to mediate and resolve the deeply-rooted conflict between Iran and Saudi Arabia, whereas the United States was in no position to do so after siding with the Saudi kingdom against Iran for decades. The title of Parsi’s article, “The U.S. Is Not an Indispensable Peacemaker,” refers to former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright’s use of the term “indispensable nation” to describe the U.S. role in the post-Cold War world.

The Tragedy of US Diplomacy Pushing for War, But Never Peace

The Shocking Truth About U.S. and Canada’s Coming Invasion of Haiti

President Biden is flying to Canada to meet with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to discuss the coming invasion of Haiti. In this video, we explore the shocking truth about the involvement of the United States and Canada in destabilizing Haiti. With recent developments and allegations of interference from the Biden administration, it’s important to understand the historical and current context of U.S. and Canadian involvement in Haiti. From political meddling to economic exploitation, we delve into the complex web of factors that have contributed to the current state of affairs.

The Shocking Truth About U.S. and Canada’s Coming Invasion of Haiti – What You Need to Know! via Redacted


U.S. pushing Canada to lead international force to Haiti

UN calls for foreign intervention in Haiti as violence surges

The US Is Making Billions Being Warlords in Yemen

One of Biden’s promises during his presidential campaign was to immediately move to end all support for the Saudi-led coalition’s war in Yemen. In February 2021, Biden stood at a podium at the State Department and proclaimed that the war in Yemen must end. Biden underlined the humanitarian crisis as the key reason the United States withdrew support. An investigation (PDF) by the Government Accountability Office found that the United States is training the Saudi-led coalition, and the US has troops on the ground in Yemen. Biden confirmed that the United States has troops in Yemen in a letter to Congress in June last year. Biden lied to the American people when he claimed that the United States was withdrawing US support for the war in Yemen in 2021.

The US Is Making Billions Being Warlords in Yemen

Ukraine risks being locked into endless war in bid for perfect peace

Ukraine risks being locked into endless war in bid for perfect peace

Ordinary Ukrainians on the front lines are divided on a ceasefire and negotiations. My Ukrainian colleague Karina Korostelina and I surveyed the attitudes of both residents and displaced persons in three Ukrainian cities close to the southeast battlefields this summer. Almost half agreed it was imperative to seek a ceasefire to stop Russians killing Ukraine’s young men. Slightly more supported negotiations with Russia on a complete ceasefire, with a quarter totally against and a fifth declaring themselves neutral. Respondents were torn when considering whether saving lives or territorial unity were more important to them. Those most touched by the war, namely the internally displaced, were more likely to prioritise saving lives. Other research reveals that those farthest from the battlefields have the most hawkish attitudes.

H/T: Truthteller CLARE DALY on the LiveLine!

One-sided reporting, obviously, but interesting statistics.

European Ukraine’s Lives Matter! Asian, MidEast, African, Latin Lives Didn’t!

While it would be expected for Western media to report fully on civilian life taken in the Ukraine by the military of US designated enemy Russia, and for CIA managed Western media1 to avoid reporting civilian loss of life caused by US/NATO military throughout the Third World, people in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America are surely noticing an element of racism with so much media attention given White European lives lost reminding them of the complete absence of compassionate media coverage of the millions of civilian lives lost by peoples of skin of various hues during the many US led neocolonialist wars in their nations since the Second World War.

European Ukraine’s Lives Matter! Asian, MidEast, African, Latin Lives Didn’t!

Racist West Ignores Palestinian Genocide & Gaza Massacres, Vocal Re Ukraine & Taiwan

In Apartheid Israel’s latest unprovoked Gaza Massacre 49 Palestinians were killed and 460 wounded. However the racist West has merely reiterated the routine Orwellian excuse of Israel’s right to defend itself, while condemning bloodless Chinese military exercises near US-protected Taiwan that is recognized by all nations as part of China. The West rightly condemns the Russian invasion of Ukraine, but de facto supports the 74-year Zionist occupation and ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

Racist West Ignores Palestinian Genocide & Gaza Massacres, Vocal Re Ukraine & Taiwan