Afghanistan earthquake exposes disaster caused by decades of US occupation

by Jean Shaoul, WSWS, Jun 24 2022

A 6.1-magnitude earthquake in a remote area of Afghanistan has killed at least 1,000 people and injured at least 1,500. While the worst affected area is the mountainous Paktika province, deaths have also been reported in the eastern provinces of Khost and Nangarhar. Many more bodies are thought to be buried in mud as heavy rain hampers rescue efforts.

With the ever-expanding US war against Russia, the US is preparing to bring the type of devastation wrought upon Afghanistan and Iraq to Europe, at an even greater cost in lives and treasure.

Afghanistan earthquake exposes disaster caused by decades of US occupation

Biden’s Famine: US Robbery Depriving Syrians and Ukrainians of Wheat, Syrian Scholars Say

The US has expanded the smuggling of Syrian wheat from illegally occupied regions amid an unfolding food crisis, Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzia revealed on 25 May. Washington now plans to ship over 20 million tonnes of grain out of Ukraine also.

Biden’s Famine: US Robbery Depriving Syrians and Ukrainians of Wheat, Syrian Scholars Say

‘Nuclear Winter’ Discussed in Newly Released Reagan-Era Documents

Newly released government documents from the 1980s outline the devastation that would be wrought on the planet if nuclear superpowers go to war—which should serve as a reminder for policymakers to prioritize peace negotiations as the war in Ukraine rages on, according to Scott Horton, editorial director of

‘Nuclear Winter’ Discussed in Newly Released Reagan-Era Documents


Nuclear Winter: U.S. Government Thinking During the 1980s

U.S. empire seeks to use Ukraine to destabilize Eurasia, in the model of how it destroyed Yugoslavia

CIA gets go-ahead to destabilize Yugoslavia

The U.S. empire has a playbook for balkanizing countries. It inflames ethnic tensions by fabricating atrocity stories, and spreading them around in the areas where it wants conflict to arise. To do this, it singles out an ethnic group (represented by a vilified government) and paints it as a perpetrator of genocide. It backs terrorist groups to fight against the demonized government, or installs leaders that will fulfill Washington’s goals for proxy warfare, or both. It provokes the targeted country into responding, then imposes sanctions on the country. It uses “humanitarian” narratives to give the region’s breakup the illusion of having occurred organically, and of having been done in response to human rights abuses or war crimes supposedly committed by the target.

U.S. empire seeks to use Ukraine to destabilize Eurasia, in the model of how it destroyed Yugoslavia (archived)