[2005] The Politics of the Srebrenica Massacre

“Srebrenica” has become the symbol of evil, and specifically Serb evil. It is commonly described as “a horror without parallel in the history of Europe since the Second World War” in which there was a cold-blooded execution “of at least 8,000 Muslim men and boys.” [1] The events in question took place in or near the Bosnian town of Srebrenica between July 10 and 19, 1995, as the Bosnian Serb army (BSA) occupied that town and fought with and killed many Bosnian Muslims, unknown numbers dying in the fighting and by executions. There is no question but that there were executions, and that many Bosnian Muslim men died during the evacuation of Srebrenica and its aftermath. But even though only rarely discussed there is a major issue of how many were executed, as numerous bodies found in local grave sites were victims of fighting, and many Bosnian Muslim men who fled Srebrenica reached Bosnian Muslim territory safely. Some bodies were also those of the many Serbs killed in the forays by the Bosnian Muslims out of Srebrenica in the years before July 1995.

The Politics of the Srebrenica Massacre


The Srebrenica Massacre was a Gigantic Political Fraud – Dr Edward Herman (YouTube)

“Srebrenica: Evidence, Context, Politics.” by Edward S Herman (PDF)

Credit: Jason Hunt

Stop NATO’s Drive to World War!

17-06-2023: The current danger of a World War fought with nuclear weapons cannot be understated. A nuclear war may well mean the end of human civilisation on planet Earth. There is one side which is responsible for this potentially catastrophic situation, and that is the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) alliance led by the ruling regimes of the United States of America (US) and its allies in the European Union (EU) and other satellite states such as Canada and Australia. The NATO led proxy war on Russia via Ukraine is being constantly escalated, even despite the manifest impossibility of any substantial victory over the Russian Federation, a military superpower. In fact, the main reason why the world is not now engulfed in a horrific global war is the seemingly limitless restraint shown by Russian President Vladimir Putin and his administration in the face of outrageously provocative geopolitical, economic and military broadsides set up to sabotage or even overthrow Moscow.

Stop NATO’s Drive to World War!

Stephen Sefton & Camila Escalante on Boric’s new progressive bloc

Progressive political figures with an orientation more favorable to Washington are forming a new alliance of South American parties and are deliberately excluding the forces that are leading the continent’s liberation processes. Don DeBar interviewed Nicaraguan writer Stephen Sefton and Latin America correspondent Camila Escalante on KPFK Pacifica Radio. Below is a transcription of last week’s segment.

Stephen Sefton & Camila Escalante on Boric’s new progressive bloc

The specter of socialism haunts US Congress

*Trigger Warning*: this talks about socialism, which seems to trigger some of those who follow my blog. If you don’t like something, that I post, either scroll on by or unfollow me!

A specter is haunting Congress: the specter of socialism.

Last week, as the US Congress discussed approving billions more dollars in weapons for the war against Russia and began negotiating cuts to social programs in advance of the debt ceiling expiration, the House spent three days discussing and adopting a resolution denouncing socialism and pledging to reverse all the social gains made by the working class on a global scale in the century since the Russian Revolution of 1917.

Before the resolution was brought to a vote Thursday, the Republican-controlled House Rules Committee rejected a proposed amendment introduced by Democrats that would have clarified “that opposition to the implementation of socialist policies in the US does not include federal programs like Medicare and Social Security,” according to the Hill.

The specter of socialism haunts US Congress

You’re Not Actually Helping When You “Support” Protesters In Empire-Targeted Nations

Truthout has a recent article titled “The Left Can Support Protesters in China Without Shilling for US Imperialism” with a subtitle asserting that “Chinese workers and Uyghurs need solidarity from leftists worldwide,” and it at no point attempts to defend either one of those titular claims.

You’re Not Actually Helping When You “Support” Protesters In Empire-Targeted Nations

Truthout interviews Rebecca E Karl, for the above-linked article. She works for NGOs/non-profits affiliated with George Soros and John D. Rockefeller 3rd (Rockefeller Foundation). As for Naomi Klein, she was ‘compromised’ even before coronavirus as covered by Cory Morningstar. I can’t find anything on the Jacobin author, as his name (pseudonym?!) is the same as the deceased Iranian poet and journalist Khosrow Golsorkhi. The GrayZone covered Jacobin, previously.

Notes for self:

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