SBU arrests journalist who wrote about Church

A religious columnist has been arrested on suspicion of treason.

On 20 February 2023, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) arrested Ukrainian Orthodox journalist Dmytro Skvortsov, reports “PolitNavigator”, citing journalist Tetiana Chugayenko.

SBU arrests journalist who wrote about Church

Ukrainska Pravda:

Pro-Kremlin blogger caught in Kyiv, hiding in Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Moscow Patriarchate monastery

Report: The CIA Is Directing Sabotage Attacks Inside Russia

The CIA has been using a European NATO country’s intelligence services to conduct sabotage attacks inside Russia since the February invasion of Ukraine, investigative journalist Jack Murphy reported on Saturday, citing unnamed former US intelligence and military officials.

Report: The CIA Is Directing Sabotage Attacks Inside Russia


The CIA is using a European NATO ally’s spy service to conduct a covert sabotage campaign inside Russia under the agency’s direction, according to former U.S. intelligence and military officials. (archived)

‘CIA behind spate of explosions in Russia’: US veteran claims CIA and NATO ally behind sabotage

Ukraine’s Top Diplomat Tricked Into Admitting Kiev’s Responsibility for Blowing Things Up in Russia

Ukraine’s Top Diplomat Tricked Into Admitting Kiev’s Responsibility for Blowing Things Up in Russia


‘I’m Sure Biden Wants Our Success’: Ukraine’s Presidential Office Head Blabs to Russian Pranksters

Full prank with the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andriy Yermak

Among those caught by “former U.S. Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul” was another Ukrainian politician. Yermak admitted that he puts constant pressure on the Ukrainian military to report to the Americans for all actions and special operations. He is sure that today there is a place in Ukraine where the U.S. will again win its leadership in the world. Andriy Yermak also complained about unsatisfactory arms supplies and insufficient support to Ukraine by the Americans.

In addition, Yermak spoke sharply about the ex-Ombudsman of Ukraine Lyudmila Denisova, the confrontation with whom you can see here.

New pranks and the most relevant news on the Vovan and Lexus channel

The current status of the investigation into the murder of Darya Dugina

*Updated note: The translation links no longer work. You’ll need to copy and paste the links into Google Translate.

The current status of the investigation into the murder of Darya Dugina (translation)

And, most likely, it was not the Americans, but the British. In the USA you have to get in order to eliminate a people, much too many signatures from the very top. And then you would say directly that it was. So it was in Afghanistan with the leader of Al-Qaeda, Bin Laden. The assassination was approved with the signature of President Obama. So it was with the assassination of Iranian General Suleimani on the personal order of President Trump. The British quieter and without the signature collection. And they love their cars. The MINI Cooper, for example. This is a weakness. And the next step – for the beauty of purely English murder it would be to strangle Natalia Vovk somewhere and to give Russia the blame. So you could finish the Whole thing. And the tracks would be blurred.

The articles are in German by independent journalist Thomas Roper. I’ve provided links to the English translations by Google next to them (the language can be switched at the top of the translated articles). He suspects that it was British intelligence, as did Nicolas. Thomas connects Ilya Ponomarev, Michael Khodorkovsky, and Alexei Navalny to George Soros. He also points out that Ilya Ponomarev wrote, and worked, for the Center for Strategic and International Studies, which is connected to the Free Russia Foundation. CSIS is funded by various Western governments, corporations (oil and defense industries), and NGOs; including George Soros’ Open Society Foundations and the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation. On another note, quite a few from the Biden Administration have worked at CSIS including Antony Blinken (State Department), Kathleen Hicks (Defense Department), and Kurt M. Campbell (National Security Council Coordinator for the Indo-Pacific).


Soros and Kiev supported the group is behind the murder of Darya Dugina (translation)

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FBI Raids Homes, Offices Of Activists In Black Uhuru Movement

FBI Raids Homes, Offices Of Activists In Black Uhuru Movement

One of the other “unindicted co-conspirators” in the indictment is Louis J. Marinelli, who was the founder of CalExit, a right-wing campaign in the style of Brexit that called for California to secede from the United States.

Marinelli, who is white, was previously linked to the Russian government in US news media reports, but the FBI did not raid Marinelli’s home or the homes of any individuals linked to the secession campaign.


YouTube: Omali Yeshitela & Gerald Horne discuss the FBI Raids of the Uhuru Movement’s offices and homes

YouTube: Gerald Horne on the FBI Raids of the Uhuru Movement’s offices and homes and the broader implications (short clip, of Dr. Gerald Horne, from above interview)

[2010] FBI Launching Mass Raids of Antiwar Activists’ Homes

*In progress: Alexander Ionov case – Russiagate 2?