Wisconsin congressman after visiting southern border: ‘We need to restart border wall construction’

Original source.

Whitewater’s police chief sent President Biden a letter asking for resources to help with 800 to 1,000 immigrants now living in the city since 2022 – specifically from Nicaragua and Venezuela.

Wisconsin congressman after visiting southern border: ‘We need to restart border wall construction’

Notice that he mentioned two countries that are sanctioned and that the USG has been trying to destabilize for years?! I uploaded the video on human trafficking, to Rockford, last week.

Mexican drug cartels pay Americans to smuggle weapons across the border, intelligence documents show

Mexican drug cartels have been smuggling a vast arsenal of even military-grade weapons out of the U.S. with the help of American citizens, a CBS Reports investigation has found.

Mexican drug cartels pay Americans to smuggle weapons across the border, intelligence documents show


Documents: ATF used “Fast and Furious” to make the case for gun regulations

Rifle Capable of Taking Down a Helicopter, Found in El Chapo’s House – Guess Who Gave it to Him

Operation Fast and Furious: The Forgotten History of the ATF’s Notorious Gunwalking Scandal

Fast & Furious Gun Found At Mexican Beauty Queen Murder Scene

GOP debate bloodbath over Ukraine leaves room for agreement — on China

GOP debate bloodbath over Ukraine leaves room for agreement — on China

For all the talk about a divided GOP on foreign policy, it should be clear that when it comes to China, these eight candidates are more in agreement about where the country should be training its firepower, than not. Pinning them each down on what exactly they are proposing, and how far they will go to meet the threat, would be an interesting next exercise, sans the bloodletting.

Yellen’s Visit To China Has Failed

Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen visited China. There she tried to press the worlds biggest economy on several issues.

Yellen, in Beijing, Criticizes China’s Treatment of U.S. Companies – NY Times, July 7, 2023

Yellen Urges China to Step Up Climate Finance Investments – NY Times, July 7, 2023

U.S. Raises Pressure on China to Combat Global Fentanyl Crisis – NY Times, July 7, 2023

Yellen’s Visit To China Has Failed

Psychopathic hypocrite criticizes China, for using subsidies, when the CHIPS and Science Act gives $52 billion, in subsidies, to semiconductor companies!

Bombing Mexico to stop drug cartels from supplying US with fentanyl is a terrible idea

The early stretch of the 2024 presidential campaign is underway — and with it a boatload of bad ideas and policy initiatives. One of the worst but increasingly popular proposals, uttered by several politicians aspiring for the highest office in the land, is to use the military to combat the drug cartels that have smuggled gargantuan amounts of fentanyl into the United States and turned swaths of neighboring Mexico into a war zone.

Bombing Mexico to stop drug cartels from supplying US with fentanyl is a terrible idea

Maybe they should call the Taliban for help?! /s

The Coming Fight Over American Surveillance

The Coming Fight Over American Surveillance

But no threat of any kind is required to conduct surveillance under Section 702. The law permits surveillance of any foreigner abroad, as long as a significant purpose of the surveillance is to acquire “foreign intelligence information.” FISA defines this term extremely broadly to include any “information related to . . . the conduct of U.S. foreign affairs.” A conversation between friends about whether the United States should do more to support Ukraine would justify surveillance under this definition.


Biden green-lights deployment to Mexican border + More

The US president signed an order allowing active duty reserve troops as needed to fight international drug trafficking

Biden green-lights deployment to Mexican border


Message to the Congress on Executive Order on Authority to Order the Ready Reserve of the Armed Forces to Active Duty to Address International Drug Trafficking

U.S. says it ‘infiltrated’ the Sinaloa drug cartel in the fight against fentanyl

Fentanyl Is Smuggled for U.S. Citizens By U.S. Citizens, Not Asylum Seekers