Philippines: Our Foreign Policy on China Is Clear, But Is It to The United States?

The chief architect of Philippine foreign policy is the President.

It appears that the sitting President has been somewhat slow in defining it but certainly he knows that buck of responsibility stops with him.

Our Foreign Policy on China Is Clear, But Is It to The United States?


Are Freedom of Navigation Operations and Innocent Passage Really the Same?

U.S. destroyer challenges China’s claims in South China Sea

Kamala Harris Heads to Philippines to Pick a Fight With China

Amboys’ Anti-China Smears Exposed

By Herman Tiu Laurel

On July 17, 2022 the Philippine Daily Inquirer headlined a complete and total lie about China’s loan assistance to the Philippines, blaring loudly and shamelessly “’Debt trap avoided’; Marcos pushed to review China loans.” How Philippine mainstream media is allowed to publish such outright misinformation and disinformation is truly disgusting.

Amboys’ Anti-China Smears Exposed


The myth of PH bankruptcy and ‘Chinese debt slavery’