The ‘Israel Lobby’ Works for the US Military Industrial Complex

Since publication of John Mearsheimer’s and Stephen Walt’s ‘The Israel Lobby’ in 2007, superior public relations has served as the main explanation for the outsized influence that the nation of Israel holds over American politicians. In that telling, AIPAC (American-Israel Public Affairs Committee) and other supporters of Israel built a sophisticated and far-reaching public relations machine that promotes US politicians who support Israel and punishes those who don’t.

The ‘Israel Lobby’ Works for the US Military Industrial Complex – by Rob Urie – 27 June 2024

H/T: xenagoguevicene

Gaza War is Final Solution by Israel to Erase Palestinians and West is Complicit, says Israeli MP

Finian Cunningham

Benjamin Netanyahu’s government is exploiting Hamas’s horror attack on October 7 to now implement a “final solution” to wipe out Palestinians.

That’s the view of Ofer Cassif, a lawmaker in the Israeli parliament. The definitive subjugation plan has been part of the Netanyahu government policy for several years. The war on Gaza is the opportunity to execute this plan.

The United States and the European Union are complicit in facilitating the genocidal operation being carried out by the Israeli regime.

Since the inception of the Israel state in 1948, Western governments have been complicit in the relentless oppression of Palestinians by giving their unswerving support for Israeli crimes. That 75-year genocide is now advancing to a final phase.

The international community must stand up against the Zionist destruction of the Palestinian people and their right to statehood.

Gaza War is Final Solution by Israel to Erase Palestinians and West is Complicit, says Israeli MP


The ‘Subjugation Plan’: Smotrich Wants ‘Voluntary Transfer’ of Palestinians

Expulsion of the Palestinians : the concept of “transfer” in Zionist political thought, 1882-1948

How Canada emerged as a haven for Ukrainian SS “Galicia Division” veterans and other Nazi accomplices and war criminals

Aided by the corporate media, Canada’s political establishment is trying to claim that parliament’s honouring last Friday of the 98-year-old Nazi Waffen SS veteran Yaroslav Hunka was the result of an unfortunate gaffe—a gaffe for which the House of Commons Speaker, Anthony Rota, is exclusively responsible.

The World Socialist Web Site has already exposed this false narrative at length.

Here we are republishing an article that first appeared on the WSWS on July 29, 2019. It discusses how and why Ottawa threw open its doors to Hunka and some 2,000 Ukrainian SS veterans. As the article explains, this was part of a broader policy of providing a safe haven to the Nazis’ Ukrainian fascist allies, so as to use them to advance Canadian imperialism’s interests at home and abroad.

Working in concert with the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC), which had been founded at the government’s behest at the beginning of World War II, Ottawa used the Ukrainian fascists to combat left-wing influence among Canada’s large Ukrainian worker-farmer population and the labour movement more generally. The government also worked with the UCC to foment a rabidly anticommunist, virulently anti-Russian Ukrainian nationalism in collaboration with the CIA and British intelligence.

In recent decades, as Canada’s government under Liberals and Conservatives alike has worked with Washington and its NATO partners to harness Ukraine to NATO and the European Union, Ottawa’s alliance with the UCC and the Ukrainian far right has become an ever more important element of Canadian foreign policy.

A more extensive examination of the alliance between Canadian imperialism and the Ukrainian far right can be found in the May 2022 WSWS series “Canadian imperialism’s fascist friends,” including its fourth part: “How Ottawa provided the Ukrainian fascists refuge and incubated and promoted far-right Ukrainian nationalism.”

How Canada emerged as a haven for Ukrainian SS “Galicia Division” veterans and other Nazi accomplices and war criminals

Who are the Ukrainian integral nationalists?

Who knows the history of the Ukrainian “integral nationalists”, “Nazis” according to the terminology of the Kremlin? It begins during the First World War, continues during the Second, the Cold War and continues today in modern Ukraine. Many documents have been destroyed and modern Ukraine forbids under penalty of imprisonment to mention their crimes. The fact remains that these people massacred at least four million of their compatriots and conceived the architecture of the Final Solution, that is, the murder of millions of people because of their real or supposed membership in the Jewish or Gypsy communities of Europe.

Who are the Ukrainian integral nationalists?
The oath of loyalty to Führer Adolf Hitler by members of the OUN.
Machine translation by Yandex.



Nazism in eastern Europe (and the US)

Notes for self:

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