China’s Reported Pause Of Russian Oil Imports Ahead Of The West’s Price Cap Is Revealing 🤨

Bloomberg reported on Tuesday that some Chinese buyers have allegedly paused their import of Russian oil ahead of the West’s looming price cap on that resource, which if true would be very revealing in the context of that country exploring the parameters of a New Détente with the US. According to them, those buyers supposedly want to see if they can get better deals from Moscow after the price cap enters into effect, thus signaling opportunistic and not necessarily unfriendly intentions.

China’s Reported Pause Of Russian Oil Imports Ahead Of The West’s Price Cap Is Revealing

Black Lives Matter purchases $6 million property with donation money

Allegations of financial mismanagement among supposed leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement (BLM)—as well as questions surrounding the true character of the organization—continue to unfold following a recent New York Magazine report revealing the group purchased a $6 million luxury home in southern California with money that had been donated to the BLMGNF (Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, the official title of the only actual national organization).

Black Lives Matter purchases $6 million property with donation money

The Beauty of Bankruptcy

How to think about the coming Chapter 11 epidemic.

In 19th-century English novels, bankruptcy is a tragedy that just happens to people, often with no real explanation, as though it were a natural disaster or an unexpected infection, a cartoon anvil out of the sky over the head of some poor Wile E. Coyote in Regency garb. Bankruptcy was on the mind of everyone from Charles Dickens to William Makepeace Thackeray to George Eliot to Anthony Trollope, and it is a major plot point in Dombey and Son, Vanity Fair, and The Mill on the Floss, among many other novels. The threat of bankruptcy produces suicides in The Way We Live Now and in Little Dorrit — such was its terror.

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