Biden Says Assad Must Go

While on the campaign trail, President Joe Biden spoke with some “Syrian American activists” who favor increased sanctions on the country as well as regime change in Damascus, during a private fundraiser in Maryland last month. According to neoconservative columnist Josh Rogin – one of Bill Kristol’s protégés – Biden told these regime change advocates that, among other things, Assad must go. Rogin says these activists “took advantage of their audience with Biden… to implore him to do more to oppose” Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Biden Says Assad Must Go


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RAND: Avoiding a Long War – U.S. Policy and the Trajectory of the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

*Russian use of nuclear weapons is a plausible contingency that Washington needs to account for and a hugely important factor in determining the future trajectory of the conflict

*Although a Russian decision to attack a NATO member state is by no means inevitable, the risk is elevated while the conflict in Ukraine is ongoing.

*Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley reportedly kept a list of “U.S. interests and strategic objectives” in the crisis: “No. 1” was “Don’t have a kinetic conflict between the U.S. military and NATO with Russia.” The second, closely related, was “contain war inside the geographical boundaries of Ukraine.”

*It is clear why Milley listed avoiding a Russia-NATO war as the top U.S. priority: The U.S. military would immediately be involved in a hot war with a country that has the world’s largest nuclear arsenal. Keeping a Russia-NATO war below the nuclear threshold would be extremely difficult, particularly given the weakened state of Russia’s conventional military.

*Since neither side appears to have the intention or capabilities to achieve absolute victory, the war will most likely end with some sort of negotiated outcome.

*Since avoiding a long war is the highest priority after minimizing escalation risks, the United States should take steps that make an end to the conflict over the medium term more likely.

*A major source of uncertainty about the future course of the war is the relative lack of clarity about the future of U.S. and allied military assistance to Ukraine.

Avoiding a Long War – U.S. Policy and the Trajectory of the Russia-Ukraine Conflict


Avoiding a Long War – U.S. Policy and the Trajectory of the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

[2020] Republicans blasting China forget that the GOP enabled Beijing’s rise

As a deadly pandemic wreaks havoc in an election year, Republicans are leveling relentless attacks against China. To be sure, Beijing’s initial response to the coronavirus outbreak was littered with errors, egregious injustices and conspiracy-mongering.

Republicans blasting China forget that the GOP enabled Beijing’s rise


What Republicans did 15 years ago to help create Donald Trump today

Urged on by their presidential standard-bearer, Texas Gov. George W. Bush, and by nearly all of the business lobbyists who represented the core of the party’s donor class, three-quarters of House Republicans voted to extend the status of permanent normal trade relations to China. They were more than enough, when added to a minority of Democrats, to secure passage of a bill that would sail through the Senate and be signed into law by President Bill Clinton.

Canadian, US Warplanes Land In Haiti With Military Equipment; Locals Warn Of ‘Foreign Invasion’

Haiti, the most impoverished country in the Americas, has erupted in political unrest, with reports in western media suggesting that a criminal coalition is obstructing the distribution of gasoline and diesel.

Canadian, US Warplanes Land In Haiti With Military Equipment; Locals Warn Of ‘Foreign Invasion’


Video: Haitians Demonstrating Against Henry, US-Canadian ‘Invasion’ Ignored by Western Media

SO it begins, U.S. starts INVASION of Haiti with military force

Oct 13, 2022 “The United States is moving forward with military missions in Haiti and Canada is considering getting involved too. The coast guard has sent ships with machine guns, which signals some kind of special, covert operation. Life in Haiti is in chaos and increasingly so by the day. Protestors are calling for the resignation of Prime Minister Ariel Henry and are blocking imports of critical infrastructure such as gasoline imports. Banks and grocery stores are operating on limited schedules. What is the U.S.’s interest in this? We break it down with independent journalist Dan Cohen from Uncaptured Media.

SO it begins, U.S. starts INVASION of Haiti with military force | Redacted with Clayton Morris

Note: Dan Cohen claims that Jimmy Cherizier has changed his tune. Canadian-based Haitian, Jafrikayiti, argues otherwise.*


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Biden to remark on Social Security, Medicare; strategy to end hunger in US includes more benefits

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Biden administration is laying out its plan to meet an ambitious goal of ending hunger in the U.S. by 2030, including expanding monthly benefits that help low-income Americans buy food.

Biden remarks on Social Security, Medicare; strategy to end hunger in US includes more benefits


Biden admin to propose nutrition labels on front of food packaging in push to improve health

Because people don’t know how to turn the product around to read labels?!