Clear signs of US trying to topple Sheikh Hasina govt: Regime change operation underway in Bangladesh and why India should be alert

Full video

Regime change operation underway in Bangladesh and why India should be alert (archived)


Bangladesh: The government must stop killing protestors and silencing dissent (OMCT*)

*OMCT Donors and Finances

National Endowment for Democracy, Oak Foundation, Open Society Foundations (George Soros), Open Society Justice Initiative, European Commission, United States of America,

Michael Kugelman (Wilson Center**): The U.S. Ups the Ante in Bangladesh

**Wilson Center Sponsors

BAE Systems, Coca-Cola, BlackRock, Carnegie Corporation, Hewlett Foundation, ClimateWorks (Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg) Morgan Stanley, Northrop Grumman,

Front organizations

Where is the political courage of yesteryear?

Are We Back to Nuclear Brinkmanship for Good?

In his speech last week, Sullivan said the world was at an “inflection point” that demanded “new strategies for achieving the same goal we’ve held since the Cold War: Reduce the risk of nuclear conflict.” Instead, we seem to be inching inexorably back toward a time when, as Kennedy commented 60 years ago, any “two men, sitting on opposite sides of the world, [can] decide to bring an end to civilization.”

*Disclaimer: The views expressed herein are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of Ms. Cat’s Chronicles.

Desperate for a ‘win’ in Europe, USA mulls merging Ukraine with Poland

Ukronazis subsumed into a new superstate with Poland (and maybe Lithuania, too)? What could possibly go wrong? Some US policymakers may be fantasising about a new east European superstate under their control, but even the most rigorous rewriting of the history books will have difficulty convincing Poles to forget about the genocide they suffered at the hands of Stepan Bandera and his SS partners-in-crime during WW2.

Desperate for a ‘win’ in Europe, USA mulls merging Ukraine with Poland