The Short Leash

“The first is the right to free speech and for people to peacefully assemble and make their voices heard. The second is the rule of law. Both must be upheld. We are not an authoritarian nation where we silence people or squash dissent.”

Joe Biden. May 2, 2024

The Short Leash

Biden Offers to Turn U.S. Military Personnel Into Saudi Royal Bodyguards

President Joe Biden has made a habit of putting the interest of foreign governments before that of the American people. Like the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its de facto ruler, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. 

Biden Offers to Turn U.S. Military Personnel Into Saudi Royal Bodyguards by Doug Bandow

Flashback (has he forgotten?):

[2019] American Soldiers Are Not Bodyguards for Saudi Royals by Doug Bandow

President Donald Trump believes in America First except when it comes to the Saudi royal family. Then it is Saudi Arabia first.

Маргарита Лисовина – Помним/Margarita Lisovina – We remember

Маргарита Лисовина – Помним

Friends, on the eve of the celebration of “Victory Day”, the song “We Remember” was created about the events of that so distant Great Patriotic War. But how does the meaning of the song resonate with the events of today?

Words: Ekaterina Lagodnyuk
Music: Maxim Bukhantsov and Margarita Lisovina
Arrangement: Maxim Bukhantsov

Margarita Lisovina – Remember

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Palestine Land Day 2024 will have a very different feel about it

We are approaching the 48th commemoration of Palestine Land Day, and there is no doubt that 30 March will have very different feel about it this year, with the Palestinians in Gaza being killed and starved in defense of their land against the brutal Zionist military offensive over almost six months, during which the Gaza Strip has been systematically destroyed. Civilian infrastructure has been targeted by Israel, including homes, hospitals, schools, places of worship and governmental and non-government institutions. UNRWA buildings have also been targeted and destroyed. In every practical sense of the word, Gaza is uninhabitable.

Palestine Land Day 2024 will have a very different feel about it

US, int’l community must continue to back Guyana’s sovereignty- Energy Conference hears + more

Hundreds of stakeholders gathered in Kingston, Georgetown for the first day of this year’s Guyana Energy Conference and Supply Chain Expo on Monday.

And as the conference opened with rousing presentations on Guyana’s exciting economic prospects, there were calls for the United States of America and the wider international community to continue supporting the country’s sovereignty.

US, int’l community must continue to back Guyana’s sovereignty- Energy Conference hears


Mike Pompeo, Hudson Institute: Joe Biden Can’t Show Weakness on Guyana

Hudson InstituteDepartment of Defense, InfluenceWatch, SourceWatch, Tax Filings, Wikipedia, WikiSpooks

Lima Group 2.0: Right-Wing Latin American Ex-Presidents Demand US Interventionism in Venezuela (Atlas Network)

Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela will be targeted again for regime change by the CIA front, NED.

Lima Group 2.0: Right-Wing Latin American Ex-Presidents Demand US Interventionism in Venezuela (Atlas Network)

After the failure of the Lima Group, Latin American right-wing former presidents created a new group to continue interfering in the internal affairs of other countries, such as attempting to overthrow the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro.

Lima Group 2.0: Right-Wing Latin American Ex-Presidents Demand US Interventionism in Venezuela


Ibero-American leaders create group to favor freedom and democracy

The background of the coordination of the right and the extreme right in the world (Spanish)

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Motives for respecting Mao on his 130th birthday

Motives for respecting Mao on his 130th birthday

Mao Zedong was a great revolutionary who brought Marxism, founded by Marx and Engels, and developed by Lenin, into the 21st century and led the transformation of the lives of millions by using scientific socialism as a guide to action. Mao Zedong is a great teacher not only of the Chinese people but also of the cause of humanity. Mao demolished the dogma that socialism “can only exist in developed capitalist countries”. Thanks to the horizon opened by Mao, oppressed nations have gained their independence and brought freedom, prosperity, and happiness to their people to build socialism unique to their own countries. Mao Zedong courageously determined that the transition to a classless society would take a long historical period, theorized that the class struggle persists in different forms under socialism, and discovered and applied the means and mechanisms to mobilize the great power of the people to build socialism from the top down. Mao’s most important achievement was to lead the building of the Communist Party of China, which was resilient, strong, vibrant, and based on the people in all circumstances.

Today, Xi Jinping is developing China’s modernization path by applying Mao’s route to the realities of the 21st century. Mao’s vision of achieving a “society of abundance” and the method of advancing to a classless society remain unchanged. Today, the CPC, led by Xi Jinping, represents the hope of the Chinese people and all humanity because it adheres to Mao’s path.