After US Resumes Drone Flights, in Niger, France Withdraws Troops

US reaches agreement with Niger’s military leaders to restart drone, crewed aircraft missions at two airbases.

US military resumes drone, crewed aircraft operations in post-coup Niger


Macron Says France Will Withdraw Troops, Ambassador from Niger

US to cut military presence in Niger + Pentagon lied to Congress

At Least Five Members of Niger Junta Were Trained by U.S.

Niger Coup Leader Brig. Gen. Moussa Salaou Barmou Was Trained By The US Military

US to cut military presence in Niger + Pentagon lied to Congress

The Pentagon reportedly plans to pull out some of its troops from the African country

The US has begun “repositioning” the troops it has in Niger and plans to cut their number “nearly in half” over the next several weeks, Politico reported on Friday citing two Defense Department officials.

US to cut military presence in Niger


Pentagon Misled Congress About U.S. Bases in Africa

Rand Paul: Why do we still have troops in Niger?

Why the U.S. Government Cares About the Coup in Niger + More

Let us travel back in time to April 9, 1999. It was the middle of hot season in the West African country of Niger and 120 degrees in the shade. Jocelyn, one of the authors, was a newly minted Peace Corps volunteer and had recently arrived in a rural community 60 miles south of Niamey, the capital, where she would spend the next two years. That day, President Ibrahim Bare Mainassara and five other people were shot dead at the airport, a mutiny by his presidential guard. But there was no international outcry, no evacuation of Americans and Europeans. Jocelyn was told to stay put in the small community where she was living. Life went on as usual.

Why the U.S. Government Cares About the Coup in Niger | Opinion


“Divide and Rule”: Italy’s PM Giorgia Meloni Is Biden’s “Political Asset”. U.S. Behind Niger Coup d’Etat. America’s Hegemonic Wars Against Europe and Africa

France furious with US over Niger, as US Considers Ways to Keep Its Military Presence in Niger

Washington has chosen its own interests over its allies, a French diplomat has told the newspaper, following Victoria Nuland’s visit to Niger

France furious with US over Niger – Le Figaro


US Considers Ways to Keep Its Military Presence in Niger

Turse explained in a recent article that in 2002 and 2003, the first years of US counterterrorism assistance to Niger, the State Department counted just nine terrorist attacks in all of Africa.

“Last year, the number of violent events in Burkina Faso, Mali, and western Niger alone reached 2,737, according to a report by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies, a Defense Department research institution. This represents a jump of more than 30,000 percent since the US began its counterterrorism efforts,” Turse wrote.