Indonesia’s feared ex-general Prabowo claims victory in presidential election + Notes

Indonesia’s feared ex-general Prabowo claims victory in presidential election

But the likely victory of Prabowo — an ex-general who was kicked out from the army and subjected to a two-decade ban from the U.S. over human rights violations — raises fears of the world’s third-largest democracy sliding backward into authoritarian rule.


3 things you should know about Indonesia’s presidential elections

Continuity and its risks

Prabowo is expected to largely continue the policies of President Widodo, or “Jokowi,” as Indonesians call him. President Widodo is not up for reelection as he’s serving his final term.

Through his two five-year terms, Indonesia’s economy — Southeast Asia’s largest — has grown at about 5% a year. His infrastructure building, cash and food assistance to the poor and health and education policies have been popular.

Indonesia is the world’s largest producer of nickel, used in making electric vehicle batteries, and Jokowi has barred the export of raw nickel, to help Indonesia move up the value chain from mining to manufacturing.

Prabowo is Suharto’s son-in-law. He received training in the 1980s from the U.S. military at Fort Benning, Ga. (now Fort Moore) and Fort Bragg, N.C. (now Fort Liberty).

Indonesia’s presidential election emerges as key battleground in US-China rivalry

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Why’s The New York Times Fearmongering About Indonesia’s Presidential Frontrunner?

Why’s The New York Times Fearmongering About Indonesia’s Presidential Frontrunner? By Andrew Korybko

It’s an information warfare provocation intended to manipulate voters’ perceptions of the frontrunner to the point that a run-off election is scheduled this summer, which could then give the US’ preferred candidate the chance that he needs to come to power and align Indonesia with America against China in the New Cold War.

Why’s The New York Times Fearmongering About Indonesia’s Presidential Frontrunner?

Anies Baswedan was a Fulbright Scholar. The Fulbright Program is funded by the USG.

As a Fulbright Scholar, he went to receive his M.P.M. in international security and economic policy from the University of Maryland School of Public Policy (where he was a William P. Cole III Fellow), and Ph.D. in political science from Northern Illinois University, where he was a Gerald S. Maryanov Fellow.


Ukrainian Orthodox Church [UOC-MP] Updates for 11-20-2023


UN agency documents an increase in violence against believers in Ukraine


VoA propaganda: Orthodox Church Row Threatens US Aid to Ukraine*

Video: Tucker Carlson interviews Lawyer for UOC

*Viktor Yelensky

Viktor Yelensky was a member of the Fulbright Scholar Program 2003–2004. Within 2004 he worked at Brigham Young University (Utah, USA).

Viktor Yelensky headed the Ukrainian journal for religious studies “Lyudina i Svit” (“Human Being and the World”, 1995–2004) and lead the Kyiv Bureau of Radio Liberty (2005–2008). Also on the radio he was the host of the program “Freedom of Conscience”.

NGOs, “Unions”, & Media Outlets in the Service of Imperialism

The US has a long history of interfering in the Orthodox Church

Former Venezuelan Coup Plotter, Greedo, Hired By Florida College to Speak on ‘Defending Democracy’ + More

Juan Guaido was hired by Florida International University (FIU) to give a series of talks and mentor students. Guaido launched a coup attempt in Venezuela in 2019 but failed to gain any significant support within the country.

Former Venezuelan Coup Plotter Hired By Florida College to Speak on ‘Defending Democracy’


Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó is teaching at FIU. But it’s only for a while

In April 2023, Guaidó said Colombian authorities threatened to turn him over to Maduro after entering the country for a forum about the Venezuelan crisis. The Biden administration helped Guaidó leave Colombia and come to Miami.

Two former Latin American presidents, a U.S. business leader and diplomat, and a European foreign minister named Senior Leadership Fellows at the FIU Adam Smith Center

Jamil Mahuad** [Fulbright Program, Harvard Kennedy School], president of Ecuador from 1998 to 2000.

Robin S. Bernstein*** [American University School of International Service, George Washington University School of Business]

Miomir Žužul [Harvard Kennedy School]

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[2013] Cultural Exchange and the Cold War: How the West Won

Cultural Exchange and the Cold War: How the West Won (archived)

There are many theories of why Soviet communism collapsed and the Cold War ended. Here are a few of them to consider:

That is a claim also made by a former Hungarian ambassador to Washington, Andras Simonyi*, who led a rock band in Budapest during the Cold War. In a talk titled “How Rock Music Helped Bring Down the Iron Curtain,” delivered at the Rock ‘n Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, Simonyi said, ”Rock ‘n roll, culturally speaking, was a decisive element in loosening up communist societies and bring them closer to the world of freedom.”


*Wikipedia-András Simonyi:

He plays guitar in the rock band, The Coalition of the Willing (est.2003) with top rated U.S. guitarist Jeff “Skunk” Baxter (Steely Dan, Doobie Brothers) which has Secretary of State Tony Blinken (guitar, vocals) as a regular guest.

Blinken picks up guitar for new US music diplomacy push

Blinken picks up guitar for new US music diplomacy push

He is better known for rallying global support for Ukraine, but US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Wednesday picked up another favorite tool of diplomacy — his guitar.

Blinken picks up guitar for new US music diplomacy push


Secretary Antony J. Blinken At the Launch of the Global Music Diplomacy Initiative

Global Music Diplomacy Initiative

LOL! YouTube even recently auto-generated a ‘topic’, for Blinken, although they’re all older videos. It’s no wonder that Michael McCaul approved, of it, as he introduced the PEACE Through Music Diplomacy Act. Interestingly, the band that Blinken played with is called the Coalition of the Willing. My bet is they use this as a way to implement color revolutions/regime changes!

New Thai Government’s Vows Obedience to US Foreign Policy: Myanmar is First Victim

Following recent general elections in Thailand, influenced heavily by years of US interference, a pro-US proxy regime is poised to take power.

Even before officially taking office, the leadership of the victorious Move Forward Party has vowed to help pursue US foreign policy objectives both in regards to “rebalancing” Thailand away from China and back toward the West, as well as regarding US interference elsewhere in Southeast Asia, and more specifically, Myanmar.

New Thai Government’s Vows Obedience to US Foreign Policy: Myanmar is First Victim


Anti-junta parties dominate Thai elections but may struggle to form government