Nikki Haley Reinvigorates The GOP’s Breathless TikTok Hysteria… For The Children

We’ve noted many times how the GOP’s obsession with TikTok is stupid, performative, and utterly hollow. For example, the party desperately wants to ban TikTok for “privacy reasons,” yet consistently opposes passing privacy laws, or regulating data brokers that traffic in far more data — at a far greater international scale — than TikTok executives could ever dream of.

Nikki Haley Reinvigorates The GOP’s Breathless TikTok Hysteria… For The Children


A third of Americans are Christian nationalists and most are white evangelicals + Democrats pass resolution condemning ‘white religious nationalism’

A new PRRI survey finds that 10% of Americans are avowed Christian nationalists and an additional 19% are sympathetic to its ideals. Among both groups combined, nearly two-thirds are white evangelicals.

A third of Americans are Christian nationalists and most are white evangelicals


Democrats pass resolution condemning ‘white religious nationalism’

House candidate, J.R. Majewski, called himself a combat vet. Records show he wasn’t.

Campaigning for a northwestern Ohio congressional seat, Republican J.R. Majewski presents himself as an Air Force combat veteran who deployed to Afghanistan after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, once describing “tough” conditions including a lack of running water that forced him to go more than 40 days without a shower.

House candidate called himself a combat vet. Records show he wasn’t.


The AP reported that documents indicate J.R. Majewski “never deployed” to Afghanistan. He repeatedly claimed that he did in media appearances.

White supremacists are riling up thousands on social media

White supremacists are riling up thousands on social media

The social media posts are of a distinct type. They hint darkly that the CIA or the FBI are behind mass shootings*. They traffic in racist, sexist and homophobic tropes. They revel in the prospect of a “white boy summer.”

These type of threats and racist ideology have become so commonplace on social media that it’s nearly impossible for law enforcement to separate internet ramblings from dangerous, potentially violent people, Michael German**, who infiltrated white supremacy groups as an FBI agent, told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday.

Facebook and Instagram owner Meta banned praise and support for white nationalist and separatists movements in 2019*** on company platforms, but the social media shift to subtlety makes it difficult to moderate the posts.


*FBI Infiltration of Right-Wing Groups (PATCON, ETC)

**Mike German – Brennan Center For Justice

**FBI Agent Mike German Discusses Years Undercover Investigating Skinheads, Aryans and More


Just tell them that you’re fighting, against the Russians, if they try to censor you?! 🤷🏼‍♀️

Twitter will allow you to deny the genocide of Palestinians, but not a ‘Uighur genocide’, so I’ve been banned

By Maram Susli | RT | August 7, 2021

Big Tech censors are shutting down voices like mine, because they don’t like me exposing the truth of what’s going on in Palestine. But they’re happy with tweets about killings in Xinjiang, even when there’s no evidence for it.

Twitter will allow you to deny the genocide of Palestinians, but not a ‘Uighur genocide’, so I’ve been banned

