US and EU officials discuss possible negotiations with Russia with Ukraine

US and EU officials discuss possible negotiations with Russia with Ukraine

Background: In September, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said that Kyiv could not conduct peace talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin because he could not be trusted.

Kuleba also stated that the war started by Russia could not be stopped by sitting down at the negotiating table.

H/T: Emil Cosman


US and Europe in Talks With Ukraine on Possible ‘Peace Deal’ With Russia – Report

As for ‘peace’ talks with Ukraine, Moscow has repeatedly indicated that it is ready for negotiations, but Kiev has introduced a ban on them at a legislative level. Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov emphasized at the UN General Assembly in September that Moscow would not consider any proposals of a ceasefire, “because the one time we did consider it, you [Kiev] deceived us.” Speaking about Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s 10-point “Peace Formula,” Sergey Lavrov noted it is not remotely realistic, although the West regards it as the only basis for peace in Ukraine.

The American People vs. The American Congress

by Eric Zuesse

On December 13th, Gallup listed, in order of Americans’ polled ratings of issues as being the nation’s “Most Important Problem”, all 14 issues that more than 2% of Americans thought to be that; and here they were, in order from the top-most to the bottom-most, of all issues that the thousands of Americans who were sampled volunteered to be that:

The American People vs. The American Congress

U.S. Regime Now Tempts Ukrainian Stooge Regime to Invade Russia

This U.S. Government support for Ukraine to retake Crimea is part of a plan by U.S. President Barack Obama, in which he sidelined his Secretary of State John Kerry and backed Kerry’s subordinate Victoria Nuland when she promised the then Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko that he would continue to enjoy U.S. backing if he expanded his civil war against the breakaway (formerly Ukrainian) region of Donbass so as to invade also Crimea, which had broken away from Ukraine earlier — less than a month after the U.S. coup in Kiev occurred in February 2014. So, the U.S. Government’s now teasing Ukraine’s Government to invade Crimea can’t be understood without knowing its history:

U.S. Regime Now Tempts Ukrainian Stooge Regime to Invade Russia