‘Give peace a chance’ apparently doesn’t apply if it involves Elon Musk or Russia

‘Give peace a chance’ apparently doesn’t apply if it involves Elon Musk or Russia (archived)

War is hell. Most people agree with that sentiment, whether the fighting involves our country or nations on the other side of the world. We would prefer current wars end quickly and no new wars were started.

Diplomacy ain’t what it used to be.

Pro-war messages from Ukrainians fighting for their lives is one thing. But the jingoism from Americans is inexplicable. Most American blue-and-yellow flag-wavers couldn’t have found Ukraine on a map a year ago. Today, they’re such geopolitical experts, they can’t be questioned.

We’re repeatedly told that nationalism [or neo-nazism] is a threat to democracy. Apparently, that only applies to the American variety. Ukrainian nationalism isn’t only tolerated, it’s becoming mandatory among our politicians and media figures.

It’s not enough to root for a free and peaceful Ukraine; you need to cheer on the slaughter of Russian conscripts, most of whom would rather be at home with their loved ones. And don’t you dare question the untold billions U.S. taxpayers are pouring into Kyiv. Only Putin fans are concerned about the $31 trillion national debt.

Our political class might be giddy at that outcome, but the rest of us see it as tragedy.

War is not the goal, in Ukraine or anywhere else; peace is. It would be nice if our leaders understood that.

Just searching for ‘peace’, in the last 24 hours, and this was all that came up for Ukraine-Russia, despite it being originally published on 10-08 in Arizona Republic.

[11-2020] Overthrow Putin & Give Back Crimea: What Was Proposed at the “Free Russia Forum”

Overthrow Putin & Give Back Crimea: What Was Proposed at the “Free Russia Forum”

Garry Kasparov, current chairman of the Human Rights Foundation, (which organizes the Oslo Freedom Forum and trains “democracy activists”), sits on the Permanent Committee of the Free Russia Forum with Ilya Ponomarev. Mikhail Khodorkovsky has spoken at both the Free Russia Foundation and Oslo Freedom Forum.

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