At 60, We’re Winning – and Losing – the JFK Media War

Twelve days ago, I was asked by the Opinion section of the New York Times to write an essay on the JFK assassination nearly 60 years later. This was a major breakthrough because the newspaper of record has always embraced the official version of the assassination, even as the Warren Report, based on the “magic bullet” and all that nonsense, has grown increasingly tattered over the years. In 2015, when The Devil’s Chessboard — my book about CIA spymaster Allen Dulles and the national security state’s war with President Kennedy — was published, the Times refused to review it. (Nonetheless, the book was a New York Times bestseller.)

At 60, We’re Winning – and Losing – the JFK Media War

H/T: Kim Iversen

VICE News Leaves Out Connections to Ukraine in Their Story on American Neo-Nazis

On a recent overcast afternoon in Orlando, Florida, 10 neo-Nazis gathered outside the entrance to Disney World.

As 2024 Looms, Neo-Nazis Are Returning to the Streets (archived)

What they’re leaving out:

Christopher Pohlhaus (Blood Tribe), Goyim Defense League: So-called Nazis resurface in Orlando, voice support for Biden over Trump: ‘He sends rockets to Ukraine’

Jon Minadeo II AKA Handsome Truth (Goyim Defense League): Florida GOP Declares War On The First Amendment to ‘Combat Anti-Semitism’

Christopher Pohlhaus (Blood Tribe): American Neo-Nazi Training Forces in Maine to Fight for Ukraine

Robert Rundo (Rise Above Movement), Christopher Pohlhaus (Blood Tribe), Denis Kapustin (Russian Volunteer Corps): Russian Militia Linked to American Neo-Nazis, Anti-Trans Figures

Robert Rundo (Rise Above Movement): “Our Mission is to Lead the White Races of the World in a Final Crusade…Against Semite-led Untermenschen [subhumans]”

Azov + Myrotvorets in MSM

Why Glenn Stopped Discussing “Tragic” Israel/Palestine Conflict

Why Glenn Stopped Discussing “Tragic” Israel/Palestine Conflict

Greenwald’s given up criticizing Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians because of the powerful Israeli lobby and nothing will change! By this logic, he shouldn’t criticize US foreign policy because of the powerful military industrial complex! Yes, I knew that he was a limited hangout! FYI, Glenn changed the title shortly after uploading it!

US developed AI tool to battle Russian disinformation Blinken

The Ukraine Content Aggregator is used to catch fake news and share data on it with foreign partners, the secretary of state says

US developed AI tool to battle Russian disinformation Blinken

H/T: Emil Cosman


Secretary Antony J. Blinken at Freedom House 2023 Annual Awards Ceremony

The third thing I wanted to highlight. While we’re working to promote access to the internet for all, we’re also working to address threats to human rights that come with an open internet, including online harassment, abuse, disinformation.

Now, online abuse doesn’t, of course, target only human rights defenders. Instead, the internet and digital technologies are often used to amplify attacks on vulnerable groups – women, the LGBTQI community, marginalized ethnic or religious groups – and undermine our broader fight for human rights. So this year, we launched what is now at least a 12-country Global Partnership for Action on Gender-Based Online Harassment and Abuse. We’re encouraging private sector to become engaged with us as well.

We’re also working to address the massive challenge of online misinformation and disinformation – again, something familiar to everyone in this room. To cite one example, of course, Russia continues to push a steady, relentless stream of disinformation about its war of aggression against Ukraine, to lie about and cover up horrific abuses it’s committed, to try to justify committing others.

In response, the State Department has developed an AI-enabled online Ukraine Content Aggregator to collect verifiable Russian disinformation and then to share that with partners around the world. We’re promoting independent media and digital literacy. We’re working with partners in academia to reliably detect fake text generated by Russian chatbots.

French Radical Protests: Can the Sinister Fascist Traits of Capitalism be Overcome?

President Macron is not a king but a pawn of global finance

The current tenant of the Elysee Palace has been called by NUPES, the left coalition opposition in France, a President-King. To do so is to give him a bigger role and more power than what he has. In reality, Macron is just one of the numerous figure heads of the billionaire class that meets in Davos once a year. The power resides there, concentrated, often anonymous and always brutal in a masquerade of do-gooders. In Davos, the financial Masters of the Universe, posturing as philanthropists, have been in reality jealously protecting the complex Gordian Knot that is global capitalism. Perhaps France’s radical protesters, in their quasi insurrection form, are trying to emulate Alexander the Great by putting this giant Gordian Knot to the sword!

French Radical Protests: Can the Sinister Fascist Traits of Capitalism be Overcome?