NED/CIA Calls for Even More Sanctions on Myanmar + More

Myanmar’s pro-democracy forces can win. They need our help to do so.

Nov. 8 marked the third anniversary of elections in Myanmar, whose results were overturned by a military coup on Feb. 1, 2021. The coup set in motion some of the largest, most diverse protests in the country’s history, which subsequently led to a brutal crackdown on pro-democracy activists. Today, the junta is prosecuting [waging] a war of terror [see video], marked by airstrikes against civilians, the blocking of humanitarian aid to the most vulnerable, and the arrests of thousands of political prisoners.

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Ilya Ponomarev: Could this man bring down Putin? + Notes

Could this man bring down Putin?

Ponomarev is deadly serious about his military plot: He described himself in an interview as the political head of a group called the Freedom of Russia Legion*, which he claims has an army of four exile battalions — usually numbering about 1,600 people — based in Ukraine, as well as between 5,000 and 10,000 followers in Russia.

He helps run a Congress of People’s Deputies [government in exile/parallel government**], a shadow parliament based in Poland with about 100 members, 40 of them in Russia, he says, that oversees the legion. That group is developing new laws and a new constitution for a post-Putin Russia. It plans a large gathering in Warsaw this month to develop a transition to free elections in Russia.

Ponomarev described operations inside Russia: a drone attack on the Kremlin in May by an urban guerrilla group [National Republican Army & Russian Volunteer Corps*] loosely affiliated with Ponomarev and the Congress of People’s Deputies; the legion’s raids on Belograd and Shebekino just inside the Russian border in June; and what he claims are daily sabotage attacks on railway lines inside Russia. He said the group is building toward a decisive march on Moscow.

The Russian exile leader also linked his group to the August 2022 assassination of Darya Dugina, the daughter of a prominent Russian nationalist writer. U.S. intelligence officials had blamed that attack on Ukrainian intelligence and said they opposed it, according to an October 2022 account in the New York Times. Ponomarev said his group works closely with Ukrainian intelligence.

Ponomarev also claimed unspecified roles in two attacks this year on pro-Kremlin figures: the April assassination of a pro-war blogger named Vladlen Tatarsky and the May attempted killing of pro-Kremlin writer Zakhar Prilepin.

“In a crisis, a small, disciplined force can play a decisive role,” he said. And that’s precisely his aim. By recruiting Russian volunteers (he says he gets 1,000 applications a month, which he vets down to 40 reliable recruits), he hopes he can build a force that will march on Moscow, in the way Yevgeniy Prigozhin’s militia’s did in June. Prigozhin halted his march and later died in a mysterious plane crash. But Ponomarev says he won’t stop.

Ponomarev said he has support for his coup-plotting from Ukraine’s military intelligence service — and strong opposition from the United States. The message he has received from U.S. officials, he says, is: “We don’t want to be part of it.” [Doubt it!]

Right now, Ponomarev’s campaign seems more a series of modest trial runs than a full-fledged operation. Take the May 3 drone attack on the Kremlin. Ponomarev said the group smuggled several Ukrainian drones into Russia. Members fired one toward the Kremlin from east of the city and a second from southwest. They were carrying just one kilogram of explosives and didn’t do much damage, Ponomarev admitted, but they were meant to demonstrate the ability to hit a precise target.

Ponomarev considered it a triumph, of sorts, when Putin scaled back the planned Victory Day celebration of World War II triumphs in May — perhaps because the drone attack had worried the public. He said his followers have “several” more drones on ice for future attacks.


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Myanmar junta foes form ‘unity government’

Myanmar junta foes form ‘unity government’

Right out of Gene Sharpe’s playbook! #198

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Myanmar’s New Parallel Government Announced: Led by Racists Involved in Rohingya Abuses

The US-backed opposition in Myanmar has declared a “National Unity Government,” a parallel government to the existing government of Myanmar. It is expected that the US will pressure nations around the globe to recognize it as the legitimate government and begin providing financial and military support to its cause of taking over the country.

However, the man announcing the creation of this parallel government – Min Ko Naing of Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy party – is an inveterate racist who proposed deporting the nation’s Rohingya ethnic minority and repeatedly referred to them as illegal immigrants and terrorists.

This is not a “pro-democracy” opposition and it merely uses talk of “human rights” as camouflage – just as other extremist groups the US has attempted to put into power around the globe from Libya to Syria, Ukraine to Venezuela, and Hong Kong to Thailand.

These daily videos (Monday to Friday) are published first for Platinum Sponsors and above first, then made public later on in the week. Thank you for your support and making this work possible!


Reuters (via Bangkok Post) – Myanmar junta foes form ‘unity government’.

Irrawaddy – 88 Generation Peace and Open Society Stand by Govt on Rakhine.

Frontier Myanmar – Activists championed by rights groups have history of anti-Rohingya messaging.

CNN – Armed Buddhists, including monks, clash with Muslims in Myanmar.

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