Tonto Strikes Again: Preempts Task Force, DFA + and an update (Philippines)

First of Three Parts: Sabotaging Diplomacy at the South China Seas

Four days after the country has barely started recovering from the trauma President Marcos dealt on Philippine-China relations after he made a faux pas recognizing the newly-elected president of Taiwan and infuriating China, Philippine Coast Guard Jay Tarriela again preempted the National Task Force and the Department of Foreign Affairs dishing out fake news to the national media.

Tonto Strikes Again: Preempts Task Force, DFA

I’ve updated my ‘Philippines Game Changer’ document, with a couple of links, regarding the South China Sea and ‘Freedom of Navigation’. I’ve also created a page for all of my working papers, to which I’ll upload future updates. If anyone has any feedback, I’d appreciate it. I can be reached through my contact page, or email at, if comments are closed.


US policies pushing China, Philippines to brink of conflict

There’s an information war going on in the South China Sea (using embedded journalists, civil society activists, and various US think tanks). The Philippines plans on building a military base, on the disputed Second Thomas Shoal, to replace the BRP Sierra Madre (which is about to break apart). Marcos is also re-starting oil exploration, in the Reed Bank which is part of the disputed territory.

Philippines to develop islands in South China Sea + More

YouTube Playlist: InfoOp – SCS

Genocide against the Palestinians – Craig Mokhiber steps down

Craig Mokhiber has the courage that every international civil servant should have. He has stepped down from his post as Chief of the New York Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in protest against the failure of the United Nations to stop the genocide being perpetrated by Israel against the Palestinians. I have known Craig since 1992 and consider him a friend, an intellectually honest, constructive and optimistic UN official, a model for others. But there are times when officials have to step down, because the Organization has allowed itself to be hijacked. Two other friends stepped down from their Assistant-Secretary-General posts in the 1990’s — Denis Halliday and Hans Christoph von Sponeck — because of the complicity of the United Nations in the US-led genocide of Iraq pursuant to thoroughly criminal “sanctions” that killed over a million human beings.

Genocide against the Palestinians – Craig Mokhiber steps down


Americans Abused at Gitmo

Tales of the American Empire | October 26, 2023

In 2003, the United States built a military prison at its naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, known as Gitmo. Prisoners captured from the American invasion of Afghanistan and the Middle East were flown there. American President George W. Bush deemed these men terrorists not protected by international law. He authorized a secret torture program to extract information. Some American soldiers objected, so were abused too.

Americans Abused at Gitmo

Evidence mounts for use of banned mines by Ukrainian forces, rights group says

Ukrainian forces appear to have used rockets to scatter stacks of internationally banned, hand-size antipersonnel land mines over Russian-occupied areas in eastern Ukraine, according to evidence collected by Human Rights Watch.

Evidence mounts for use of banned mines by Ukrainian forces, rights group says


Fact Check: Is Russia using butterfly mines in Ukraine?

The West is silent as Ukraine targets civilians in Donetsk using banned ‘Petal’ mines

Exposed: Disturbing Details of New Pentagon ‘Perception Management Office’

Ken Klippenstein, an investigative journalist at The Intercept, has exposed how the Pentagon very quietly launched a new internal division, dubbed the “Influence and Perception Management Office” (IPMO), in March.

Exposed: Disturbing Details of New Pentagon ‘Perception Management Office’



Nazi Symbols on Ukraine’s Front Lines Highlight Thorny Issues of History

2013 – The NDAA Legalized The Use Of Propaganda On The US Public