High Stakes as Uncle Sam’s Days of Impunity Are Finally Over

The edifice of American imperial power has never been challenged at its foundation. It is now.

High Stakes as Uncle Sam’s Days of Impunity Are Finally Over


No One Seems to Want to Investigate the Nord Stream Pipeline Sabotage Except Russia

Despite the UN’s apparent disinterest in pursuing a broader inquiry, Russia claimed this week that it would continue to pursue an international effort. “We will do everything in our power to continue to insist and to initiate such an international investigation,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters during a conference call.

The American Colony Called Germany

Dec 12, 2022 – The end of World War II resulted in a stand off with the Soviet Union. The practical solution was to rebuild and rearm West Germany to deter a Soviet invasion, but keep that nation under American rule. After World War II, Germany remained occupied by a million foreign troops during the Cold war. After that ended in 1990, the Russians returned home and the Warsaw Pact alliance disbanded.

There was no threat to the west and NATO troops returned home, except the Americans, who insisted on keeping several large bases in Germany. Billions of dollars were spent on new military facilities to include a massive spy center at a newly expanded Wiesbaden base. You do not have to look very hard to find historical information revealing that the CIA has been spying inside Germany for more than seventy years to bribe and blackmail political leaders and journalists.

In 2022, the United States destroyed the Nordstream pipelines and thus the German economy. This was the third time in a century the United States destroyed Germany. The innovative and productive German industry was shut down in 1919, 1945, and 2022. Germany is not a true democratic state, but a colony of the United States.

The American Colony Called Germany via Tales of the American Empire