“Time to stop singularizing Trump as uniquely evil”

As practically everyone on planet Earth must now know, Donald Trump has become the first former US president to be convicted of felonies after leaving office. The response to the outcome of the trial from Democrats and Republicans has been predictably binary. Democrats have been reveling in the outcome and seem to think that the trial’s conclusion has delivered a final blow to Trump’s credibility and, in turn, his chances of winning the upcoming election. Trump’s supporters, on the other hand, are largely condemning the trial as politically motivated “lawfare” waged by the “radical left” in order to derail Trump’s chances of winning the upcoming election, which might end up galvanizing his base.

Trump’s Conviction Papers Over Much Bigger Crimes that He (and Every Other Recent US President) Has Committed in While Office

I can’t stand Trump, but this is why I don’t post about the criminal charges against him. I’d rather see him, and the rest of them, charged for war crimes! Furthermore, I can understand why his supporters, and even foreigners, see it as lawfare.

RFK Jr.’s ‘Unconditional’ Support for Israel Is Costing His Campaign for President

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s staffers keep resigning

Many antiwar Americans were thrilled when Kennedy announced last spring that he’d be running against Joe Biden in this year’s primaries and that he’d hired former Democratic congressman Dennis Kucinich to be his campaign manager. But Kucinich quit in the middle of October.

RFK Jr.’s ‘Unconditional’ Support for Israel Is Costing His Campaign for President

Jewish New Yorkers occupy Statue of Liberty to demand Gaza ceasefire + Protesters block US military ship allegedly carrying weapons for Israel

Protestors unfurled banners reading ‘The whole world is watching’ and ‘Palestinians should be free’ at the base of the landmark. [Stephanie Keith/Getty Images via AFP]

Activists from Jewish Voice for Peace group unfurl banners reading ‘Palestinians should be free’ at the base of New York landmark.

Jewish New Yorkers occupy Statue of Liberty to demand Gaza ceasefire


Protesters block US military ship allegedly carrying weapons for Israel

Israel: Netanyahu Led Us to Catastrophe. He Must Go.

“How could this happen?” we asked one another, neighbors in pajamas suddenly gathered in the not quite safety of the stairwell of our Jerusalem apartment building. Our first air-raid siren of the new war had just sounded. It was early on a holiday morning; I’d heard no news. In a jittery loud voice, a man from across the hall told us about the Hamas invasion of Israel that had just begun.

Netanyahu Led Us to Catastrophe. He Must Go.

What is Happening in Palestine Right Now?

Ramzy Baroud

The Palestinian resistance has launched a major operation inside of Israel. This is the first time in history that such an event takes place. This is what happened.

What is Happening in Palestine Right Now?


‘Today, the People Claim their Revolution’: This is What Al-Qassam Commander Said in His Speech

This Is How Palestinian Resistance Fighters Entered Israel from Various Points – VIDEOS

Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG