Fox News parts ways with Tucker Carlson


The Rupert Murdoch-owned network has announced the immediate departure of the star host

Fox News parts ways with Tucker Carlson


Abby Grossberg, a producer who had worked on Carlson’s show, filed lawsuits against the company last month related to the Dominion case, including claims that she and other women faced sexism and harassment from coworkers and officials.

Tucker Carlson has left Fox News

YouTube: Tucker Carlson: If I get fired for telling the truth then so be it

[2015] A Day When Journalism Died

Journalist Gary Webb holding a copy of his Contra-cocaine article in the San Jose Mercury-News. Source.

Exclusive: Dec. 9 has a grim meaning for the Republic, the date in 2004 when investigative reporter Gary Webb, driven to ruin by vindictive press colleagues for reviving the Contra-cocaine scandal, took his own life, a demarcation as the U.S. press went from protecting the people to shielding the corrupt, writes Robert Parry.

A Day When Journalism Died


Tosh Plumlee, Ex-CIA Contract Pilot, Spills Beans On Murder Of DEA Agent Enrique Camarena

U.S. Press Starts To Figure Out College TikTok Bans Are A Dumb Performance

U.S. Press Starts To Figure Out College TikTok Bans Are A Dumb Performance

One, the bans are generally designed to agitate a xenophobic base and give the impression the GOP is “doing something about China.” But the party that couldn’t care less about rampant corruption or privacy violations isn’t doing much of anything meaningful to thwart China. In fact, letting adtech, telecom, and app companies run rampant with little oversight runs contrary to any such goal.

Two, the bans distract the public and press from our ongoing failure on consumer privacy and security issues. Banning TikTok, but doing nothing about the accountability optional free for all that is the adtech and data-hoovering space, doesn’t actually fix anything. China can just obtain the same data from a universe of other international companies facing little real oversight on data collection.

Three, the ban is really just about money. Trump gave the game away with his proposal that TikTok be chopped up and sold to Oracle and Walmart. That cronyistic deal fell through, but it’s pretty clear that this moral panic is designed to either help TikTok’s competitors (Facebook lobbyists are very active on this front), or force the sale of the most popular app in modern history to GOP-allies. At which point they’ll engage in all the surveillance and influence efforts they pretend to be mad about.


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Mass Formation Hypnosis Disorder

Well, gosh, this is kind of embarrassing. For approximately the last two and a half years, I have been documenting, analyzing, and occasionally satirizing the so-called “New Normal,” i.e., the new, pathologized, official ideology that has been rolled out all across the planet by the global-capitalist ruling classes under the pretext of combating an apocalyptic pandemic … or at least that’s what I thought was going on.

Mass Formation Hypnosis Disorder

NPR Host and NYT Guest Stress That Russia Is Communist While Vilifying Uninformed Republicans, While Most Republicans Wrongly Believe Russia Is a Communist Country: Poll

NPR Host and NYT Guest Stress That Russia Is Communist While Vilifying Uninformed Republicans


Most Republicans Wrongly Believe Russia Is a Communist Country: Poll

A majority of Republicans erroneously believe that Russia is a Communist country, according to a new poll.

The poll, released Tuesday by The Economist / YouGov, found that 52 percent of Republicans agreed that Russia was operating under Communism, despite the the county not being Communist since the Soviet Union dissolved in 1991. Among all Americans, 42 percent thought that Russia was Communist, including 44 percent of Democrats.