Turkish-Kurdish Tensions in Syria Expose NATO Dysfunction

Jun 12, 2022 | Military activity in northern Syria is accelerating, Turkey is intent on striking at US-backed Kurdish militants who in turn are seeking aid not from the US but from Syria and Russia.

The situation in Syria is another illustration of the true nature of US foreign policy and another glimpse at what becomes of America’s many “partners.”

The New Atlas (New Atlas on Telegram) (Video on Odysee)

“America has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests” – Henry Kissinger


Turkey urges Russia to fulfill deals to clear N. Syria of terrorists

Ankara says it must act because Washington and Moscow failed to keep their promise to push the YPG 30 kilometers (18 miles) from the border after a 2019 Turkish operation, adding that attacks from YPG-controlled areas have increased.

In 2019, an operation into northeast Syria against the YPG drew widespread international condemnation, prompting Finland, Sweden and others to restrict arms sales to Turkey. Now Turkey is blocking the two Nordic countries’ historic bid to join NATO because of the weapons ban and their support of the terrorist group.

Turkey tells Russia it will respond to destabilising moves in north Syria

US-backed Syrian Kurds to turn to Damascus if Turkey attacks

Assad explains why Syria is sticking with Russia

The attacks increase as Turkey disapproves of Finland & Sweden’s NATO memberships?! Coincidence?! NOT!!

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Turkey’s new Syria operation: A message to NATO

Turkey’s new Syria operation: A message to NATO

Under Erdoğan’s leadership, Turkish diplomacy has transformed from being a mere puppet of the Western agenda to one that prioritizes the security and interests of its citizens, be it in Africa, the East Mediterranean region or elsewhere. Also, with Erdoğan’s famous “the world is bigger than five” motto, Turkey proposes a comprehensive reform in global governance for a more just international system. It is time Turkey’s Western allies also learn this new language and approach of Turkish foreign policy.


Gulen Movement (FETÖ)

The SDF equals the YPG/PKK/Kurds: A timeline of the PKK’s war on Turkey