Kamala Harris Touts DHS Program Encouraging High School Spying

When Vice President Kamala Harris toured the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School this week, site of the infamous 2018 Parkland, Florida, mass shooting, she pushed for more gun control and called for communities to accept more federal help in stopping school shootings. “I will continue to advocate for what we must do in terms of universal background checks and assault weapons ban” Harris said.

Kamala Harris Touts DHS Program Encouraging High School Spying

Wisconsin supreme court appears poised to strike down legislative maps and end Republican dominance

Wisconsin supreme court appears poised to strike down legislative maps and end Republican dominance

Taylor Meehan, an attorney for legislative Republicans, argued that districts had long been considered to be contiguous as long as they kept towns, counties and wards whole. In Wisconsin, localities have annexed disconnected parts of land that have resulted in strange shapes. “You can define contiguity as strictly or as loosely as you want,” she said.

They look like Swiss cheese!


Advocates rally to protest Wisconsin’s ‘etch-a-sketch gerrymandered maps’

Mexican drug cartels pay Americans to smuggle weapons across the border, intelligence documents show

Mexican drug cartels have been smuggling a vast arsenal of even military-grade weapons out of the U.S. with the help of American citizens, a CBS Reports investigation has found.

Mexican drug cartels pay Americans to smuggle weapons across the border, intelligence documents show


Documents: ATF used “Fast and Furious” to make the case for gun regulations

Rifle Capable of Taking Down a Helicopter, Found in El Chapo’s House – Guess Who Gave it to Him

Operation Fast and Furious: The Forgotten History of the ATF’s Notorious Gunwalking Scandal

Fast & Furious Gun Found At Mexican Beauty Queen Murder Scene