Washington Escalates Pressure Against Venezuela on the Essequibo Front

After the signing of the Argyle Declaration between Venezuela and Guyana on December 14, 2023, many events have occurred. Instead of reducing tensions as the agreement signed in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines had intended, it seems that tensions have been rising steadily and silently.

Washington Escalates Pressure Against Venezuela on the Essequibo Front


Government and corporate funded CSIS: The Essequibo Pressure Cooker

2020 Guyanese Election & Venezuela-Guyana Border Dispute

Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela will be targeted again for regime change by the CIA front, NED.

Essequibo Updates: USSOUTHCOM, Guyana, Venezuela

Security cooperation between Guyana and the US appears to deepen

U.S. Marine Corps Major General Julie Nethercot’s, U.S. Southern Command Strategy, Policy, and Plans Director has visited Guyana. Her visit to Guyana from May 6th to May 8th possibly  or probably signals a significant step forward in our nation’s defence and security partnership with the United States, some observers believe. This visit follows closely on the heels of Major General Evan Pettus’ – also of the  U.S. Southern Command – engagement in February, probably highlighting a deepening commitment of the United States to bolstering Guyana’s security capabilities.


US Navy Aircraft Overflight Increases Regional Risk: Padrino

On Thursday morning, U.S. authorities announced that two U.S. Navy F/A-18F Super Hornet fighter jets will carry out a flyover over “Georgetown and its surroundings” with the approval of the Guyanese government chaired by Irfaan Ali.

Venezuela Advances in Exercising Sovereignty Over Essequibo Region

The head of the Strategic Operational Command of the Bolivarian National Armed Force (CEOFANB), General Domingo Hernández Lárez, reported that Bolivarian National Armed Force (FANB) troops continue to work to interconnect the newly created Guayana Esequiba state with the rest of the Venezuelan territory.

2020 Guyanese Election & Venezuela-Guyana Border Dispute

Venezuelan Position on the Essequibo Presented Before the ICJ


Venezuelan Position on the Essequibo Presented Before the ICJ

*The confessions made by Raphael Trotman, Guyana’s Minister of Governance and Natural Resources during the period 2015-2020, in his book entitled “From Destiny to Prosperity”, make Exxon Mobil’s sponsorship and financing of Guyana’s unilateral action before the ICJ to validate the spurious 1899 award incontrovertible.

*Guyana, under a false victimhood, is accompanied by its colonial chief, the U.K, and the bloodiest war machine humanity has ever known, the United States. Currently, Guyana, the Southern Command and the CIA, along with their partners in the global north, are preparing an aggression against Venezuela which poses a real threat to peace and stability in Latin America and the Caribbean.


2020 Guyanese Election & Venezuela-Guyana Border Dispute

Brazil: Haiti and Latin American Imperialists

Full video


Brazil reinforces border with Venezuela, Guyana with armored vehicles

Guyana, Brazil expand strategic military cooperation

Growing US Military Presence in Brazil

Why Lula Is Silent on Haiti

From 2004 to 2017, Brazil led the military component of the United Nations-backed peacekeeping mission to Haiti known as MINUSTAH. Since the U.N. Security Council authorized a new mission to Haiti last October, however, Brasília has been shy about supporting the operation. Brazil has offered to train Haitian police forces, but it has declined multiple requests from both the United States and United Nations to provide forces or financing for a new mission.

Venezuela: 5 Strategic Reasons for Nicolás Maduro’s Presidential Candidacy

During his second term as the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro has achieved fundamental milestones to overcome the crises generated by the far-right opposition and the United States. These achievements have led the country towards political, economic, and social stability. They have strengthened his leadership within Chavismo and have positioned him as the natural candidate to represent the Bolivarian Revolution in the presidential election scheduled for July 28 this year.

Venezuela: 5 Strategic Reasons for Nicolás Maduro’s Presidential Candidacy

Guyana to Receive Pyrrhic Profits From ExxonMobil Oil Production

The profits received by the Guyanese national treasury are minuscule compared to the enormous profits to be reaped by the US oil company ExxonMobil from the exploitation of crude oil in the Stabroek block, located in waters that have not yet been delimited with Venezuela. Although this fact has caused the historical dispute between both nations to heat up, it is paradoxical that Guyana is the least favored in this equation.

Guyana to Receive Pyrrhic Profits From ExxonMobil Oil Production

U.S. Army advisors boost Guyana’s defence capabilities through leadership training + Guyana, Venezuela Foreign Ministers to meet in Brazil on Jan 25

A GROUP of advisors from the United States Army, who are part of the first Security Force Assistance Brigade (SFAB), have been deployed to Guyana to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and provide leadership training to the Guyana Defence Force (GDF).

U.S. Army advisors boost Guyana’s defence capabilities through leadership training


Guyana, Venezuela Foreign Ministers to meet in Brazil on Jan 25

Guyanese Are Becoming Poorer Despite Living in World’s Fastest Growing Economy

With a GDP growth of over 63% in 2022, according to the World Bank, and an estimated GDP growth of about 38% in 2023, Guyana is frequently referred to as the world’s fastest-growing economy. The meteoric rise of Guyana’s GDP is almost entirely due to the exploitation of recently discovered oil reserves by US-based multinational petroleum corporation ExxonMobil, a company that traces its origins to Rockefeller’s Standard Oil company.

Guyanese Are Becoming Poorer Despite Living in World’s Fastest Growing Economy


Demographic profile

Guyana is the only English-speaking country in South America and shares cultural and historical bonds with the Anglophone Caribbean. Guyana’s two largest ethnic groups are the Afro-Guyanese (descendants of African slaves) and the Indo-Guyanese (descendants of Indian indentured laborers), which together comprise about three quarters of Guyana’s population. Tensions periodically have boiled over between the two groups, which back ethnically based political parties and vote along ethnic lines. Poverty reduction has stagnated since the late 1990s. About one-third of the Guyanese population lives below the poverty line; indigenous people are disproportionately affected. Although Guyana’s literacy rate is reported to be among the highest in the Western Hemisphere, the level of functional literacy is considerably lower, which has been attributed to poor education quality, teacher training, and infrastructure.

Guyana’s emigration rate is among the highest in the world – more than 55% of its citizens reside abroad – and it is one of the largest recipients of remittances relative to GDP among Latin American and Caribbean counties. Although remittances are a vital source of income for most citizens, the pervasive emigration of skilled workers deprives Guyana of professionals in healthcare and other key sectors. More than 80% of Guyanese nationals with tertiary level educations have emigrated. Brain drain and the concentration of limited medical resources in Georgetown hamper Guyana’s ability to meet the health needs of its predominantly rural population. Guyana has one of the highest HIV prevalence rates in the region and continues to rely on international support for its HIV treatment and prevention programs.

CIA: World Fact Book