What the LA synagogue pro-Palestinian protest was really about


President Biden said he was ‘appalled’ by the scenes outside Adas Torah

What the LA synagogue pro-Palestinian protest was really about

A US aircraft carrier and its crew have fought Houthi attacks for months. How long can it last?

Fatigue is setting in as a U.S. aircraft carrier nears its ninth month waging the most intense running sea battle since World War II

A US aircraft carrier and its crew have fought Houthi attacks for months. How long can it last?

Interesting sci-fi allegories for Hamas

I’m not even subscribed to Darksnovia, but this showed up in my recommendations. I don’t know enough about Star Trek or Gundam to comment. I’m more interested in the Star Wars comparison, anyway.



Star Wars: Rebel Alliance

In the Star Wars universe, the Rebel insurgency conducts covert operations on Imperial garrison worlds, utilizing a stateless strategy in conjunction with wolfpack-guerrilla warfare against the Imperial fleet throughout the galaxy. Capital ships are portrayed as having no place in the Rebellion, as they are described as expensive to build, maintain, and to keep fully crewed. The Rebellion is portrayed as far too limited in both manpower and resources to justify putting so much of both into a giant target. The Galactic Empire, on the other hand, is portrayed as capable of always fielding greater numbers and greater firepower. Being able to hit high-valued targets and get out is therefore depicted as being much more important to the Empire. While the Empire labels all dissenters and rebels as extremists and terrorists in Imperial propaganda, the Alliance is depicted and portrayed in various Star Wars media as a group of resilient freedom fighters, based on tolerance, self-empowerment, and hope for a better future using insurgency weapons and tactics.

Gundam: Anti Earth Union Group

Star Trek: Bajoran Resistance

The Real History That Inspired ‘Star Wars’

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The Bizarre US Propaganda Against Pro-Palestine Students 😹

The Bizarre US Propaganda Against Pro-Palestine Students



Ansar Allah didn’t target undersea cables

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At least one subsea fiber cable damaged in the Red Sea, some reports blame Houthi rebels

Last year Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) – a think tank founded by a former Israeli Intelligence officer and a political scientist described as a neoconservative and revisionist Zionist on Wikipedia – said Telegram channels reportedly affiliated with the Houthis had made implied threats against subseas cables in the Red Sea.

New reports suggest a ship attacked by Houthi rebels may have inadvertently cut cables. Some industry observers are suggesting the Rubymar, a cargo ship heavily damaged by a recent Houthi attack, is drifting and its dragging anchor could have caused damage to the cables.

Ansar Allah’s response

Israeli media claims that Ansar Allah targeted undersea cables

Propaganda: Houthis could cut undersea global internet cables, minister warns