“Keep the Russians Down, the Americans in, and authoritarian China out” — What???

In this video I’m discussing Bart M. J. Szewczyk’s recent Foreign Policy article on “How Macron Is Blocking EU Strategy on Russia and China” and the distorted world view of these neocons. I’m discussing a shortened version. If you want to read the whole article, you can read it here:

How Macron Is Blocking EU Strategy on Russia and China

“Keep the Russians Down, the Americans in, and authoritarian China out” — What??? via Neutrality Studies

Terrorists’ Safe Haven in Northern Europe

May 14, 2022:

Sweden is one of the European countries that has become a safe haven for the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MEK, a.k.a. MKO and PMOI). Supporting sabotage attempts, sheltering the murderers of the Iranian people, and involving in bitter hostilities toward Iranians are just some of the policies of the Swedish government against the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Terrorists’ Safe Haven in Northern Europe

Israel, Biden and the 2022 midterms

Israel, Biden and the 2022 midterms

The wear and tear suffered by Biden after the fiasco in Afghanistan, runaway inflation and the possible entry into recession of the economy next year after the war in Ukraine, could lead to the Republican victory in the midterm elections of 2022 that would anticipate a triumphant return of Trump in the 2024 Presidential elections and what would be a paradigm of the recent Republican victory in the State of Virginia. Thus, after the fiascoes in Syria, Libya and Iraq, Iran would be the new bait for the Anglo-Jewish plan of the Machiavellian Plan outlined by the Anglo-Jewish Alliance in 1960 to attract both Russia and China and provoke a great regional conflict that will mark future of the area in the coming years and that it would be a new local episode that would be framed in the return to the recurring endemism of the US-Russia Cold War. This conflict could involve the three superpowers (USA, China and Russia) counting as necessary collaborations the regional powers (Israel, Syria, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Iran), covering the geographical space that extends from the Mediterranean arc (Libya, Syria and Lebanon) to Yemen and Somalia, with Iraq as the epicenter and recalling the Vietnam War with Lindon B. Johnson (1963-1969).

Revealed: Mercer Street’s Parent Shipping Company a Front for Israeli Intelligence

By Alan Macleod GULF OF OMAN — Earlier this summer, the Israeli-operated oil tanker Mercer Street was attacked by drones, allegedly emanating from Iran, disabling the ship and killing two people on board. The incident, portrayed as an unprovoked attack on a civilian vessel, caused worldwide outrage, and marked a new low in Iranian relations with Israel and its Western allies. But a MintPress investigation can now reveal that Zodiac Maritime, the Mercer Street’s operator, has a long history of working closely with both the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) and Israeli intelligence unit Mossad, using its ships to ferry arms and operatives around the region for covert operations, including assassinations.

Revealed: Mercer Street’s Parent Shipping Company a Front for Israeli Intelligence

Biden Is Not Ending The ‘Forever Wars’. He Is Preparing The Path To New Ones.

Biden Is Not Ending The ‘Forever Wars’. He Is Preparing The Path To New Ones.

The Taliban have recently done a lot of diplomacy with visits to Moscow, Beijing and Tehran. Together, with Pakistan, which continues to supply the Taliban with weapons and manpower, those countries are planing for a future where the Taliban will have total control of, or at least a significant role in. the Afghan government. They have promised to invest in a Taliban led Afghanistan.

But the U.S. will not allow a rebuilding of the silk road between China and Iran. It will not allow for safe ‘Belt & Road’ investments in Afghanistan. Instead of controlling Afghanistan for its own purpose, as it did with its occupation, the U.S. will, from now on, do its best to deny others to benefit from the country.

US hawks push hardline presidential candidate in Iran + Raeisi wins presidential vote in Iran with a landslide victory

US hawks push hardline presidential candidate in Iran

However, Abrams’ support boiled down to his belief that Raisi represents “the true face of the Islamic Republic, while Rouhani is a façade.” According to Abrams, elevating a hardliner like Raisi would bring the Islamic Republic closer to collapse and provide a “clearer view” of the nature of the regime. Such an understanding would make it easier to advance the pressure policies that Abrams and his like-minded compatriots favored, regardless of their interlocutor in Iran and what could be achieved through diplomacy.


Raeisi wins presidential vote in Iran with a landslide victory