Western Media’s Double Standards Exposed Amidst Violence Against Eritrean Communities in The West

Late last week, Eritrea Profile published “Words Matter: Double Standards in Mainstream Media,” a well-written article by Afabet Gebretinsae that decries media coverage of the recent spate of crime and terror perpetrated against peaceful Eritrean festivals in cities across the West. Not long after, The Grayzone, an independent news website producing original investigative journalism, released the article, “Western media glorifies TPLF mob violence against Eritrean festivals,” an enlightening commentary that similarly raised critical questions about how mainstream media in the West have reported recent events.

Western Media’s Double Standards Exposed Amidst Violence Against Eritrean Communities in The West


Western media glorifies TPLF mob violence against Eritrean festivals

Eritrean Flag during the years of the Federation of Ethiopia and Eritrea

Biden’s approval dips to lowest of presidency: AP-NORC poll

President Joe Biden’s approval rating dipped to the lowest point of his presidency in May, a new poll shows, with deepening pessimism emerging among members of his own Democratic Party.

Only 39% of U.S. adults approve of Biden’s performance as president, according to the poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Research, dipping from already negative ratings a month earlier.

Overall, only about 2 in 10 adults say the U.S. is heading in the right direction or the economy is good, both down from about 3 in 10 a month earlier. Those drops were concentrated among Democrats, with just 33% within the president’s party saying the country is headed in the right direction, down from 49% in April.

Biden’s approval dips to lowest of presidency: AP-NORC poll