How FDR Saved Capitalism

How FDR Saved Capitalism

Franklin Roosevelt succeeded in undercutting the growth of left-wing political movements in the mid-1930s by adopting much of the rhetoric of the left and co-opting many of its leaders.

The fact that left-wing parties did not make significant inroads during the Great Depression dramatically demonstrated not only the power of America’s coalitional two-party system to dissuade a national third party but also the deeply antistatist, individualistic character of its electorate.


Presidential Firepower – How FDR saved capitalism in eight days.



“It so happened that first of all the representatives of the Jewish intelligentsia were the bearers of the ideas of globalism. At the same time, Stalin was not a zoological anti-Semite. He even told the Central Committee member and editor-in-chief of ‘Pravda’, Pyotr Pospelov, when the campaign against cosmopolitanism was ending: Pospelov, it is not necessary to fight against specific characters. You have to fight the ideas in the minds of these characters. We are fighting on an ideological level, not on the level of seeking out Jews or half-Jews. To assume that Stalin was a narrow-minded nationalist is to substitute the essence of the issue.”


Speech of the 19th Party Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

Economic problems of socialism in the USSR

Before the Bidens ‘Did’ Ukraine, There Was Iraq – and Serbia

By James George Jatras | Strategic Culture Foundation | October 16, 2020

Vice President Joe Biden pushed for regime change in Ukraine, which succeeded in February 2014 with the ouster of the constitutionally elected president, Viktor Yanukovych. In April 2014, Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, was brought onto Burisma’s board (along with a fellow named Devon Archer, later convicted of unrelated fraud) at an exorbitant level of compensation that made little sense in light of Hunter’s nonexistent expertise in the energy business – but which made plenty of sense given that his dad was not only Veep but the Obama administration’s point man on policy toward Ukraine, including foreign assistance money.

Before the Bidens ‘Did’ Ukraine, There Was Iraq – and Serbia

Why Liberals Hate Poor White Trash

But it would be insufficient to suggest that liberals only hate white trash because they vote for Republicans. The term “liberal,” in the popular imagination, has become synonymous with upper-middle-class white urbanites, a stereotype borne out by statistics. They are a well-educated cohort—widely-read enough to understand the problems with society and capitalism but too insecure in their position to do anything that might challenge the system that has brought them relative benefit—and therefore enjoy programs which give the surface-level appearance of progress and equality. This explains their support for means-tested social programs, LGBT rights, the importation of cheap labor (under the guise of diversity), their veganism, and—most recently—their frankly fetishistic fixation on the concept of white privilege, completely devoid of any class analysis whatsoever.

Why Liberals Hate Poor White Trash


Culture War or Class War: What’s Behind Liberals’ Contempt for Poor “White Trash?”

The 1619 Chronicles

The 1619 Chronicles

Contrary to what the 1619 Project claims, 1776 isn’t just our nation’s “official” founding. It is our symbolic one, too. The metaphor of 1776 is more powerful than that of 1619 because what makes America most itself isn’t four centuries of racist subjugation. It’s 244 years of effort by Americans — sometimes halting, but often heroic — to live up to our greatest ideal. That’s a struggle that has been waged by people of every race and creed. And it’s an ideal that continues to inspire millions of people at home and abroad.