Biden Is Letting Think Tanks and Dodgy Foreign Funders Get Cozy Again

At some point over the past few years, the Biden administration revoked one of the few progressive policies that Trump-era officials implemented in the effort to bring greater transparency to foreign influence in Washington. The New Republic has learned that with little fanfare, and with even less explanation, the White House has stopped requesting that American think tanks disclose funding from foreign governments. “This is not the policy of the U.S. State Department,” an agency spokesperson said last month.

Biden Is Letting Think Tanks and Dodgy Foreign Funders Get Cozy Again (archived)

US partially lifts Iran sanctions to stoke “anti-government protests by providing internet access, the Treasury Department said”

US partially lifts Iran sanctions

Iranian officials have already alleged that forces from “outside the country” are working to stir up unrest over Amini’s death. On the same day that protesters first took to the streets in Iran, China warned fellow members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which Iran joined that day, to beware of foreign-instigated “color revolutions.”

H/T: Syriana Analysis


Millions rally across Iran to condemn violent foreign-backed riots

“The enemy’s recent plot, which is followed by collecting, unifying, organizing and training all the failed and scattered capacities and equipping them with weapons of violence and Daesh-style behavior, is a vain attempt and doomed to failure,” the IRGC said in the Thursday’s statement.

At least 35 people have been killed, including five security personnel, during the “fiery but mostly peaceful” protests (over 60 ambulances have been destroyed). MEK claims that the death toll is 4X more than is being being reported.

On another note, Elon Musk told Augustin Antonelli that he will “save” Cuba, as well. Agus Antonelli is from the right wing think tank, Fundación Libertad. Fundación Libertad is affiliated with the Atlas Network, which has “quietly” received funding from the NED, the State Department, and the USAID.

[11-2020] Overthrow Putin & Give Back Crimea: What Was Proposed at the “Free Russia Forum”

Overthrow Putin & Give Back Crimea: What Was Proposed at the “Free Russia Forum”

Garry Kasparov, current chairman of the Human Rights Foundation, (which organizes the Oslo Freedom Forum and trains “democracy activists”), sits on the Permanent Committee of the Free Russia Forum with Ilya Ponomarev. Mikhail Khodorkovsky has spoken at both the Free Russia Foundation and Oslo Freedom Forum.

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Oslo Freedom Forum: US Proxies Train and Plan for the Next “Ukraine”

The Oslo Freedom Forum serves as the latest iteration of the US State Department’s training ground for subversion around the globe – following in line US-sponsored unrest in Ukraine in 2014 and the so-called “Arab Spring” in 2011.

Who is attending the Oslo Freedom Forum, what takes place there, and what is expected of attendees once they return to their respective nations?

Oslo Freedom Forum: US Proxies Train and Plan for the Next “Ukraine” (Video on Odysee)

The New Atlas on YouTube


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Bolivia’s Regime Opens to Foreign NGOs & Intervention

Bolivia’s Regime Opens to Foreign NGOs & Intervention

The Movement Towards Socialism leader has said that NGO’s don’t actually defend the Indigenous Movement or Mother Earth. They and other foundations use the Indigenous and environmental movement for their benefit and serve as imperial instruments to loot and intervene in countries and ultimately to defend the interests of imperialist transnationals.

[2013] Using Human Rights for Right-Wing Politics

Using Human Rights for Right-Wing Politics

Peter Thiel, a billionaire hedge fund manager, a personal friend of Thor Halvorssen and a donor to OFF, was a speaker at the 2011 forum. Little did the audience know of Thiel’s personal ties with Halvorssen and the fact that he helped fund the Forum. I believe it’s safe to assume that the vast majority did not have knowledge of Thiel’s views on democracy either. “I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible,” The Electronic Intifada quotes him writing in his manifest. He is also concerned that extensions of women’s rights “have rendered the notion of ‘capitalist democracy’ into an oxymoron.”

**Although this article does not mention it the Human Rights Foundation joined with Human Rights Watch, in 2013, to propagandize against the U.S. celebrity singer Jennifer Lopez, charging her with “serenading crooks and dictators,” all of whom, it turns out, are on the U.S. Government’s Official Enemies list.

SourceWatch, referring to When J.Lo Sang for the Dictator.


Oslo Freedom Forum founder’s ties to Islamophobes who inspired mass killer Anders Breivik

Peter Thiel Urges Investing in Human Rights

Ron Paul Wants to Abolish the CIA; His Largest Donor Builds Toys for It

Thiel, a self-described libertarian and opponent of democracy who made his fortune as the founder of PayPal, launched Palantir in 2004 to profit from what the Wall Street Journal described as “the government spy-services marketplace.” The CIA’s venture capital firm, In-Q-Tel, was brought in to back up Thiel as one of Palantir’s first outside investors. Today, Palantir’s valuation is reported to be in the billions.