As US Aid Shipments Begin, Gaza Pier Denounced as ‘PR Move’

As US Aid Shipments Begin, Gaza Pier Denounced as ‘PR Move’


Hamas rejects US floating pier for Gaza aid as publicity stunt

Essequibo Updates: USSOUTHCOM, Guyana, Venezuela

Security cooperation between Guyana and the US appears to deepen

U.S. Marine Corps Major General Julie Nethercot’s, U.S. Southern Command Strategy, Policy, and Plans Director has visited Guyana. Her visit to Guyana from May 6th to May 8th possibly  or probably signals a significant step forward in our nation’s defence and security partnership with the United States, some observers believe. This visit follows closely on the heels of Major General Evan Pettus’ – also of the  U.S. Southern Command – engagement in February, probably highlighting a deepening commitment of the United States to bolstering Guyana’s security capabilities.


US Navy Aircraft Overflight Increases Regional Risk: Padrino

On Thursday morning, U.S. authorities announced that two U.S. Navy F/A-18F Super Hornet fighter jets will carry out a flyover over “Georgetown and its surroundings” with the approval of the Guyanese government chaired by Irfaan Ali.

Venezuela Advances in Exercising Sovereignty Over Essequibo Region

The head of the Strategic Operational Command of the Bolivarian National Armed Force (CEOFANB), General Domingo Hernández Lárez, reported that Bolivarian National Armed Force (FANB) troops continue to work to interconnect the newly created Guayana Esequiba state with the rest of the Venezuelan territory.

2020 Guyanese Election & Venezuela-Guyana Border Dispute

Why Is Arab Media Silent About the Uyghur Separatists Supporting “Israel”?

We no longer hear much about the Uyghur issue, which Arab and international media outlets often promoted as a narrative to tarnish the reputation of the Chinese government and pressure it. This issue has always been framed through the lens of “generality” implying that “China is persecuting Muslims within its borders,” which is certainly not true, since the Uyghurs are not the only Muslim ethnic group in China; there are ten Muslim ethnicities in China.

Why Is Arab Media Silent About the Uyghur Separatists Supporting “Israel”?

Armenia is pivoting to the West + More



This claim that Azerbaijan is establishing itself under the autocractic influence of Russia explains most of the perception managing narrative presented via the media lately.

Armenia is pivoting to the West, it’s time for Europe to step up


‘Armenia is pivoting to the West. It’s time for Europe to step up’

For the past year, I have been working with and advising the Armenian government on their efforts to strengthen their democracy and promote peace in the South Caucasus. This is something I believe deeply in. That is why I launched the independent Friends of Armenia Network – a high-level group that includes former prime ministers, European commissioners, ministers, and sitting parliamentarians. In a report published on March 27, we proposed a detailed approach that the European Union should take to help make Armenia’s Western, democratic trajectory irreversible.

– Anders Fogh Rasmussen

Rasmussen Global: Anders Fogh Rasmussen launches high-level group to support democratic Armenia

Rasmussen’s Report: Deepening EU-Armenia relations: More Europe in Armenia

“Friends of Armenia” turned out to be crooks, schemers and chumps

Russia MFA: Friends of Armenia Network report objective is to tear Armenia from Russia, EAEU

USAID: U.S. Enhances Support For Armenia At The U.S.-EU High-Level Meeting

2002: Divided They Conquer: Armenian Ethnic Lobbies in the United States (Most are still active) – H/T: Penny2

Philippines Gunning For Fast And Massive Military Build-Up + More

Full video.

MANILA –“We are not satisfied with minimum [deterrence capability alone]…movement is life, stagnation is death,” Colonel Micheal Logico, a top strategist at the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), recently told this reporter when asked about the country’s evolving defense strategy.“We [need] to elevate ourselves into a world-class armed forces,” he added.

Philippines Gunning For Fast And Massive Military Build-Up


De Facto American Military Forward Operating Base?

Hungry Pinoys highest so far under Marcos government

Philippines Conducts Joint Exercises With U.S. In S. China Sea

Batanes eyed for Balikatan military drills

Report: US Military Advisors Deployed to Taiwan-Controlled Islands on China’s Coast

Smashing the Iran Myth (Hasbara)

In the early morning of December 31, 2023, the commercial freighter Maersk Hangzhou came under attack by Houthi fighters from Yemen who were attempting to board it. US Navy helicopters responding to its distress calls were fired upon by the small Houthi boats, according to the US Central Command, and “returned fire in self-defence,” sinking three of the four boats and killing their crews

Smashing the Iran Myth: From Houthi to Hezbollah


Philippines provoked China’s water cannoning at Ayungin Shoal

By Daniel Long

President Bongbong Marcos shocked the nation when he put out a tweet (X post) this weekend on the recent water cannoning incidents at Ayungin and Scarborough Shoal. I would like to highlight this part of his statement: “Let me reiterate what is settled and widely recognized: Ayungin Shoal is within our Exclusive Economic Zone, any foreign claim of sovereignty over it is baseless and absolutely contrary to international law…No one but the Philippines has a legitimate right or legal basis to operate anywhere in the West Philippine Sea.”

PH provoked China’s water cannoning at Ayungin Shoal

Terrorists, in Myanmar, killed over 140 civilians in Shan and Arakan since October


More than 140 civilians were killed and 216 were injured in northern Shan and Arakan states in one month of fighting against the military from Oct. 27 to Nov. 30, stated the Brotherhood Alliance. The Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) and the Arakan Army (AA), claimed that the casualties were mostly caused by airstrikes and artillery.

Over 140 civilians killed in Shan and Arakan since October