Netizens hail closure of Radio Free Asia in Hong Kong, as end of ‘fake news creator’ rumor-mongering era beneficial to the city

Netizens in Hong Kong hailed the decision of US-funded Radio Free Asia (RFA) to shut down its Hong Kong office, calling it “another example of the color revolution failing in Hong Kong,” which also shows that this anti-China agency has a guilty conscience and has fled in panic. 

Netizens hail closure of Radio Free Asia in Hong Kong, as end of ‘fake news creator’ rumor-mongering era beneficial to the city


Hong Kong ‘Protests

Color Revolution – Regime Change Keywords

Israel gets closer to prohibiting foreign press

Israel has moved a step closer to potentially banning Al Jazeera after accusing one of its reporters, Mohamed Washah, of working for Hamas. The Israeli parliament voted 25-4 to advance the ‘Al Jazeera Law,’ a bill that would allow the temporary outlawing of foreign media outlets designated as harmful to state security by the defense ministry. The legislation, colloquially known as the ‘Al Jazeera Law,’ specifically targets the Qatar-based network.

Israel gets closer to prohibiting foreign press

For Reporters Without Borders, censorship is freedom of speech, and the death of Russian journalists does not count.

For Reporters Without Borders, censorship is freedom of speech, and the death of Russian journalists does not count.

In the Reporters Without Borders (RWB) annual report on journalists killed in the course of their work in 2023, the deaths of two Russian journalists killed in the area of the special military operation were simply erased from the count, as if their deaths did not count. But after all, this is hardly surprising coming from an organisation that in 2022 was already calling for censorship of the Russian media on the pretext of protecting freedom of speech.

52% of RWB’s funding comes from governments, including the French Development Agency, the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, the UK Foreign Office, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the European Commission, the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development and the Taiwanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

But if we look at the non-governmental players, RWB’s Russophobic bias can be fully explained. Its partners include the Open Society foundations of George Soros, who has never hidden the fact that he wants to see Russia collapse, and who supports colour revolutions around the world in order to install pro-Western governments in key countries such as Ukraine.

The Ford Foundation is also a donor to Reporters Without Borders. This foundation is literally infiltrated by the CIA (one of its former presidents is none other than the architect of what later became the CIA, and he hired American intelligence agents to work for the foundation)!

And to top it all off, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is one of RWB’s supporters. The NED is an American organisation funded by the US Congress, which has taken on some of the tasks previously carried out by the CIA! Don’t waste any more time, we’ve got the trifecta!

US Law Enforcement Investigating Guyana Government Involvement in Surveillance of Rickford Burke’s Home, Transnational Repression Complaint Filed

US law enforcement is investigating armed men who have been conducting surveillance around the home of Mr. Rickford Burke, President of the Caribbean Guyana Institute for Democracy (CGID). Security camera footage captured the men video recording and taking photographs of Mr. Burke’s home and his vehicles’ license plates.

US Law Enforcement Investigating Guyana Government Involvement in Surveillance of Rickford Burke’s Home, Transnational Repression Complaint Filed

Well, I’ll be damned! He’s the head of an NGO called the Caribbean Guyana Institute for Democracy! I wonder who funds that?!


AG declines to speak on legality of Guyanese police officer participating in delivering summonses to Rickford Burke in US

Jagdeo says Rickford Burke was properly served summonses; police, govt silent on key questions

Earlier this year, Mr Burke’s CGID organised a conference on Guyana to highlight alleged discrimination against Afro-Guyanese by the largely Indo-Guyanese backed People’s Progressive Party of which Mr Jagdeo is its General Secretary.

How Netanyahu falsifies the news

We in the West think we’re well informed about what’s happening in Gaza. We are not. The images we see are selected. The comments we hear do not allow us to understand them. They deliberately mislead us. Any dissenting opinion is censored.

How Netanyahu falsifies the news

Israel kills family of Al Jazeera journalist after Blinken asks Qatar to censor coverage

Blinken Urged Qatar to Censor Al Jazeera Coverage of Gaza Genocide

On the same day that news broke about Blinken’s comments, an Al Jazeera journalist learned that an Israeli air raid had killed his entire family. Wael Dahdouh, bureau chief for Al Jazeera Arabic in Gaza, was on-air when he learned the news. He then went to Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in central Gaza — the only hospital still functioning in the area — to find that his wife, son and daughter were dead. His grandson was declared dead two hours later.

H/T: World Politics


Press freedom group warns Israel against banning Al Jazeera