Kamala Harris Touts DHS Program Encouraging High School Spying

When Vice President Kamala Harris toured the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School this week, site of the infamous 2018 Parkland, Florida, mass shooting, she pushed for more gun control and called for communities to accept more federal help in stopping school shootings. “I will continue to advocate for what we must do in terms of universal background checks and assault weapons ban” Harris said.

Kamala Harris Touts DHS Program Encouraging High School Spying

The Anti-Defamation League: Israel’s Attack Dog in the US

Posing as a civil rights group, the ADL has long operated as an intelligence organization targeting Israel’s critics. So why does the media still treat it as a credible source?

The Anti-Defamation League: Israel’s Attack Dog in the US (archived)


ADL defines genocide and civil disobedience within the FBI

The Kings of Garbage, or, The ADL Spied on Me and All I Got Was This Lousy Index Card

U.S. Agent To Be New President Of Finland

Alexander Stubb will willingly build a new Iron Curtain in Europe if he becomes the President of Finland. Mr. Stubb, former Prime Minister of Finland (2014–2015), Minister for Foreign Affairs (2008–2011), member of the National Coalition Party (Kansallinen Kokoomus or Kokoomus) leading the ruling coalition and the government, rejects the possibility of restoring relations with Russia even once the war in Ukraine ends. After the armed conflict in Ukraine, Stubb is ready to start a war in Finland.

U.S. Agent To Be New President Of Finland


Alexander Stubb: Relations with Russia only when Ukraine wins the war

Former Finnish premier Stubb reveals his CIA-contacts as Plame and Lavery

Do Russians know everything about Alexander Stubb’s cooperation with the CIA?

CIA Covert Operations: The 1964 Overthrow of Cheddi Jagan in British Guiana

Washington, DC, April 6, 2020 – Cold War concerns about another Communist Cuba in Latin America drove President John F. Kennedy to approve a covert CIA political campaign to rig national elections in British Guiana, then a British colony but soon to be independent, according to declassified documents posted today by the National Security Archive.

CIA Covert Operations: The 1964 Overthrow of Cheddi Jagan in British Guiana

Israel’s War on American Student Activists

For years the Israel on Campus Coalition—a little-known organization with links to Israeli intelligence—has used student informants to spy on pro-Palestinian campus groups.

Israel’s War on American Student Activists (archived)

Looks like those microgrants are for more than just attending pro-Israel protests.


[2022] Chaos Agent – Yuri Bezmenov

Yuri Bezmenov defected from the Soviet Union to Canada in the ‘70s, and his warnings about disinformation have made him a posthumous star on social media. Documents obtained by CBC News reveal his toxic relationship with Canada’s intelligence services.

Chaos agent (archived)


Call Of Duty Trailer Recklessly Promotes Far-Right Conspiracy Theory (archived)

The person interviewing Bezmenov in the footage is far-right conspiracy theorist G. Edward Griffin, who has since made a name for himself in HIV/AIDS denialism and alt-right recruitment. As a member of the John Birch Society, a famously anti-Communist organization focused on establishing a more conservative government in the United States, it makes sense that Griffin would peddle Bezmenov’s claims about Soviet interference by way of social progress without any critical analysis. In the Call of Duty trailer, Activision presents Bezmenov’s words bereft of this important context.

Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War uses KGB video from 1984. Critics say it’s CIA propaganda

Regime Change Assets: Peter Zeihan & Srđa Popović

When working for Stratfor (Shadow CIA), Peter Zeihan, et al, met with Srdja Popovic.

Thanks for the email! I think the idea of meeting this April/May is great! Since Stratfor is based in Austin (we also have an office in DC), we would it was very easy to “jump” to Colorado. When are you exactly in Colorado? It is most convenient for me to meet around the first week of May, but i am flexible. Otherwise, I will work on that Peter Zeihan, our “head-analyst” and my “boss”, came with me.

Meeting – CANVAS/Stratfor


Meet Srdja Popovic, the secret architect of global revolution

Who is Behind Regime Change? “Revolution Business” NGO Supported by Wall Street and US Intelligence (archived)

[WTF?!] US army could help Venezuela with nonviolent resistance against Maduro

Both Juan Guaidó, and Leopoldo Lopez, have already been trained to use Gene Sharp’s tactics to overthrow a ‘dictator’ in ‘nonviolent ways’, which was used by US-funded OTPOR, to overthrow Yugoslav President Slobodan Milošević (which wasn’t as peaceful as they made it to be), in 2000. Ivan Marović was a member of OTPOR. Another member, Srđa Popović, went on to start CANVAS, which worked with Stratfor to spy on activists and overthrow governments. CANVAS has been declared a terrorist group in the UAE.