Auto Makers Are Selling Data On Your Driving Habits To Your Insurer Without Properly Informing You


from the I-can’t-drive-55 dept

Last September, Mozilla came out with a privacy study indicating that the auto industry was the worst tech industry the organization tracked. Mozilla found that not only does the industry hoover up a ton of data from your use of vehicles, it collects and monetizes most of the data on your phone. Often without transparency or adequate safeguards:

All 25 car brands we researched earned our *Privacy Not Included warning label — making cars the official worst category of products for privacy that we have ever reviewed.

Auto Makers Are Selling Data On Your Driving Habits To Your Insurer Without Properly Informing You

Someone tell Rep. Mike Gallagher that China is buying our data! /s


Automakers Are Sharing Consumers’ Driving Behavior With Insurance Companies

What Mobile Clinics in Dollar General Parking Lots Say About Health Care in Rural America

Yves here. Having lowest of low end retailers take a flier with mobile clinics is yet another proof of the poor state of health care in the US. I would be curious to learn how countries in Europe encourage/incentivize doctors to practice out in the boonies. One can envision remedies, like scholarships for doctors who agree to practice in designated areas for at least five years, but dreaming up solutions and getting them implemented are in two different universes.

Needless to say, giving the poverty of local alternatives, some of the users of this service are fans. But your humble blogger is not comfortable with a purely profit-motivated party so remote from the health care industry providing treatments.

What Mobile Clinics in Dollar General Parking Lots Say About Health Care in Rural America

Neo-Con study: Why a New Black Sea Strategy is in the U.S. Interest + The Middle Corridor

With the coming US-NATO dangerous war games in the Black Sea it seemed like a good idea to post this study by the right-wing Heritage Foundation. This should give us all a clear idea of what Washington and Brussels are up to in the region.

Neo-Con study: Why a New Black Sea Strategy is in the U.S. Interest


The Middle Corridor through Central Asia: Trade and Influence Ambitions – Foreign Policy Research Institute


This is how they will CONTROL every Ukrainian + U.S. wants to spread it.

We told you that the app that the U.S. was testing on Ukraine was coming to the U.S. next and it’s here. The app was created by Google and it is a government’s dream. It lets you track you and lets you track your neighbors. What more could a nefarious government agency want??

This is how they will CONTROL every Ukrainian via Redacted


Ukraine’s secret weapon is an app. The U.S. wants to spread it.

How Ukraine Government Is Converting Digital ID System Into Wartime Tool

Cutting Through the Fog Masking ‘a New Page in the Art of War’

Cutting Through the Fog Masking ‘a New Page in the Art of War’

In the larger geopolitical spectrum, the non-stop war of attrition by the Empire against Russia with Ukraine as a pawn is a war against the New Silk Roads; Maidan in 2014 took place only a few months after the launching of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), then OBOR (One Belt, One Road) in Kazakhstan and Indonesia. It’s also a war on the Russian concept of Greater Eurasia Partnership. In sum: it’s an all-out war on Eurasia integration.