



This term refers to self-examination of one’s own words, deeds, and inner thoughts. Introspection is a way of moral cultivation put forward by Mencius (372?—289 BC). Mencius inherited the Confucian belief that one’s moral integrity and meritorious deeds are determined by his own ethical cultivation. If his words or deeds fail to gain endorsement or appreciation from others, one should not blame them. On the contrary, one should examine himself to find out if his words and deeds as well as inner thoughts conform to standards of ethics and propriety.

When Do We Say Enough is Enough?: Philippines’ Tipping Point in Upholding Sovereign Integrity


When Do We Say Enough is Enough?: PH’s Tipping Point in Upholding Sovereign Integrity

Moreover, the involvement of Subic Bay, a location not officially listed as a site/base under the expanded Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) as the alleged destination of US military fuel from Pearl Harbor, prompts a critical inquiry about its role and whether it might be serving as an unofficial or de-facto EDCA site. Hence, it begs to inquire if Subic Bay is now effectively functioning as a de-facto EDCA site. And if so, could there be other undeclared de-facto EDCA sites serving similar purposes other than the nine declared ones?

Could it be posited that the current Philippine administration appears to prioritize the demands and interests of the United States over its own national interests, sovereignty, and independence, suggesting a level of deference that could be interpreted as reminiscent of a vassal state? This perspective raises questions about the autonomy of the Philippine political leadership and the extent to which it serves the interests of its citizens first and foremost. The lack of public discussion, accountability, and transparency on matters that potentially impinge on national sovereignty could be seen as indicative of a disproportionate influence by the U.S. on Philippine domestic affairs and foreign policy, prompting a reevaluation of the true nature of the bilateral relationship between the two nations.


US tanker canceled request to enter Subic – SBMA

Cyberattack on Strategic Culture Foundation… Proving Truth Is the First Casualty of War

Truth may be an early casualty of war. But that casualty can be repaired with more supportive truth and time.

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The Strategic Culture Foundation’s online journal was this week hit by a massive cyberattack. The assault resulted in the forum being shut down on its regular internet site. Readers who normally access the journal were informed that the site was no longer available.

Cyberattack on This Journal… Proving Truth Is the First Casualty of War

H/T: News Forensics

Seymour Hersh: Trading With The Enemy

Amid rampant corruption in Kiev and as US troops gather at the Ukrainian border, does the Biden administration have an endgame to the conflict?

Trading With The Enemy (archived)


Zelensky And Entourage Embezzled ‘At Least’ $400M From U.S. Aid Sent to Ukraine, Seymour Hersh Reports

Before the media decided to turn Zelensky into the world’s great leader and anoint him The Person of the Year, Zelensky was exposed by the Pandora Papers leak for having hid tens of millions of dollars in offshore bank accounts given to him from the billions of dollars corrupt Jewish-Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky had looted from Ukraine.

Finally! An Interesting Twitter Files That Appears To Reveal Sketchy Government Behavior +

Finally! An Interesting Twitter Files That Appears To Reveal Sketchy Government Behavior

So when the Intercept’s Lee Fang kicked off the 8th installment of the Twitter files, I was not expecting much at all. After all, Fang was one of the authors of the very recent garbage Intercept story that totally misunderstood the role of CISA in the government and (falsely) argued that the government demanded Twitter censor the Hunter Biden laptop story. The fact that the evidence from the Twitter files totally disproved his earlier story should at least result in Fang questioning his understanding of these things.

LibsOfTikTok was ‘whitelisted’.

Thus, it’s not at all surprising that Twitter clearly has a similar whitelist feature. This was actually somewhat revealed in an earlier Twitter File when Bari Weiss, thinking she was revealing unfair treatment of the @LibsOfTikTok account, actually revealed it was on a similar Xcheck style whitelist that clearly showed a flag on the account saying DO NOT TAKE ACTION ON USER WITHOUT CONSULTING an executive team.


The Twitter Files Are a Missed Opportunity

Twitter’s most recent transparency report, published in July, shows that it took action on 4.3 million accounts in the second half of 2021 and removed 5.1 million pieces of content. You could cherry-pick a few of those decisions to fit almost any ideological narrative. Right-wing commentators aren’t the only people complaining about platforms’ actions. Some Black and LGBTQ social-media users have also objected that they’re being unfairly moderated, as automated tools take down posts containing words and phrases deemed offensive. Distrust of Big Tech’s power is universal.

Twitter Aided Pentagon in Covert Propaganda Campaign

Pentagon Opens Review Of Its Clandestine Psychological Operations