ADL Director sounds alarm over lack of support for Israel among ‘Gen Z’

Disclaimer: The views expressed herein are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of Ms. Cat’s Chronicles.

ADL Director sounds alarm over lack of support for Israel among ‘Gen Z’

Greenblatt’s action plan to combat what he calls anti-Jewish “disinformation” has taken many forms but, so far, appears to focus primarily on the suppression of free speech on social media. In a joint press call on Nov 8th, Greenblatt joined several US politicians to gameplan a way to “combat terrorists and disinformation” on “China-owned” TikTok. During the call, U.S. Representatives Josh Gottheimer, and Don Bacon formally announced the “Stopping Terrorists Online Presence and Holding Accountable Tech Entities Act,” known as the STOP HATE Act.

The legislation seeks to impose a fine of $5 million a day for any tech company that fails to adequately “fight disinformation” or refuses to submit lists of terms of service violations made by users. It also hopes to force TikTok to register as a foreign agent and clamp down on Al Jazeera for its reporting of humanitarian issues in Gaza.

In March, a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for police documents revealed that Florida-based law enforcement was taking direction and colluding with the ADL on how to curb First Amendment-protected activities. The communications between the department’s police chief and Florida ADL Director, Yael Hirschfeld, appeared to scold police brass for releasing prominent influencer Jon “Handsome Truth” Minadeo.


Illinois Rep Rashid among those threatened by armed American Israeli settlers during pogrom in Turmus Ayya, Palestine

Illinois Rep Rashid among those threatened by armed American Israeli settlers during pogrom in Turmosaya, Palestine

The American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee has called for an official investigation into American Israelis who hold dual citizenship and who are involved in a growing wave of anti-Palestinian pogroms and violence. State Rep. Abdelnasser Rashid sends letter to his legislative colleagues to detail his predicament in the threatening environment but to no response. Gov. J.B. Pritzker remains silent

Illinois Rep Rashid among those threatened by armed American Israeli settlers during pogrom in Turmosaya, Palestine


American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee Urges Criminal Investigation into US Citizens Involved in Attacks on Palestinian Civilians in West Bank

Israel lobby smeared Palestinian American professor, then got him fired

Cabrini University discriminated against a Palestinian American professor and violated his First Amendment rights, a lawyer says. (Cabrini Univesity)

Israel lobby smeared Palestinian American professor, then got him fired


Cabrini University: Professor Fired after Anti-Israel Tweets

On March 19, 2023, the Philadelphia Inquirer reported that Cabrini University fired Professor Kareem Tannous in August 2022 after pressure from outside organizations to censure and punish the professor for allegedly anti-Semitic tweets. FIRE wrote the university on April 14, 2023, explaining it cannot fire Tannous for protected extramural speech and that the university should make clear it upholds the academic freedom standards it maintains in its faculty handbook.

International leaders push social media companies to ban anti-Zionist speech

The international effort to criminalize criticism of Israel is hitting new strides. Bringing the weight of numerous Western governments, the so-called Interparliamentary Task Force to Combat Online Antisemitism has renewed efforts to label criticism of Israel as antisemitism and to thereby enable online censorship of any such criticism.

International leaders push social media companies to ban anti-Zionist speech

Virginia: Same Old Same Old

Every time one thinks that politicians in the United States might have actually have had a “come to Jesus” moment and will henceforth serve the people who pay to support them, something pops up to demonstrate that nothing has changed but the names of the folks who are selling most of us out. As a Loudoun County Virginia resident with children and grandchildren in the public school system who is active in the Fight for Schools movement, I was delighted when Glenn Youngkin defeated the truly despicable Terry McAuliffe to become the next government of the state. McAuliffe not only engaged in constant race and class baiting in terms of how he couched his appeals to voters, confident that the fraud that he and his party-mates had engineered into the system disguised as “voting rights” would be enough to win the day in a state that has leaned Democratic in recent elections. So tone deaf to the voters was McAuliffe that he came out with “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” and two days before election day went off the deep end by telling his audience at a rally that Virginia just has too many school teachers who are white.

Same Old Same Old