‘Why are we tempting nuclear annihilation?’ — Transcript of Max Blumenthal’s address UN Security Council

The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal addressed the UN Security Council on the role of US military aid to Ukraine in escalating the conflict with Russia and the real motives behind Washington’s support for Kiev’s proxy war.

‘Why are we tempting nuclear annihilation?’ Watch Max Blumenthal address UN Security Council


All aboard the gravy train: an independent audit of US funding for Ukraine

Interesting USG Reactions to Wagner Group Rebellion

American officials determined as early as January there was an internal power struggle underway between the private military group Wagner and the Russian government, and have been gathering and closely ‘monitoring’ intelligence on the volatile dynamic ever since, according to officials.

US has closely ‘monitored’ power struggle between Prigozhin and Russian government for months


US to delay Wagner sanctions for fear of siding with Putin: WSJ

Cameron Hudson, a former chief of staff to the US special envoy for Sudan, stated that Washington had a strategy to “target, isolate, and weaken Wagner’s growth in Africa,” adding that by maintaining that approach, Washington is now potentially assisting Putin.

In wake of Mexican Senate Vote to Recognize Palestine, Palestinians seek to upgrade to Full Embassy in Mexico City

N.B. Some commentators allege that this announcement is solely from the Palestinian side and does not in fact represent the policy of the Mexican executive. IC has a call into the Mexican Embassy for reaction. In the meantime, this article has been revised to reflect that our information on this issue only comes from the PA. As noted below, the Mexican Senate did vote to recognize Palestine in November 2022.

In wake of Mexican Senate Vote to Recognize Palestine, Palestinians seek to upgrade to Full Embassy in Mexico City

China’s Foreign Policy: Lessons for the United States

China’s orchestration of the renewal of diplomatic relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia should be a wakeup call to the Biden administration’s national security team, particularly to Antony Blinken’s Department of State. China’s success exposes flaws in American national security policy, particularly the policy of nonrecognition as well as the reliance on the use of military force to achieve gains in international politics. Our instruments of power are not working.

China’s Foreign Policy: Lessons for the United States

Biden’s Famine: US Robbery Depriving Syrians and Ukrainians of Wheat, Syrian Scholars Say

The US has expanded the smuggling of Syrian wheat from illegally occupied regions amid an unfolding food crisis, Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzia revealed on 25 May. Washington now plans to ship over 20 million tonnes of grain out of Ukraine also.

Biden’s Famine: US Robbery Depriving Syrians and Ukrainians of Wheat, Syrian Scholars Say

Are Neocons Worried at Pace of US-Russia Talks? + More

Are Neocons Worried at Pace of US-Russia Talks?


Eastern Ukraine Separatists Warn Kyiv Preparing Offensive in Donbas

A ‘Parthogenetic’ Conflict – There Is No Russian Invasion Threat To Ukraine

Croatia to Withdraw Its Forces From NATO in Event of Russia-Ukraine Conflict


CIA Has Been Training Ukrainian Paramilitaries to ‘Kill Russians,’ US Considers Backing Insurgency in Ukraine, and Claims Russia is Planning ‘False Flag’ as Pretext to Invade Ukraine

“Expect Escalation of Conflict in Donbass and Ukraine Soon,” Says Foreign Correspondent