Biden Admin Awards Over $4 Million In Grants To Programs That Target “Misinformation” + Notes

Biden Admin Awards Over $4 Million In Grants To Programs That Target “Misinformation”

The State Department has awarded the following five grants since September 1:

An $18,000 grant to the Albanian-based non-governmental organization (NGO) the Institute for Democracy, Media, and Culture* to ensure a “whole-of-society response to cyber incidents and misinformation.” The associated program began on September 1, 2023.

A $14,500 grant to Paraguay’s American Cultural Center [Centro Cultural Paraguayo Americano] that will be used to implement workshops that “seek to combat misinformation and promote responsible digital citizenship.” The associated program began on September 1, 2023.

A $15,000 grant to the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at Udayana University to “raise digital literacy among selected amcors communities, journalists, and social media influencers to combat misinformation, pre-2024 general election.” The associated program is due to start on October 1, 2023.

A $50,000 grant to New York University to complete the implementation of a speaker series that supports “countering misinformation.” The associated program is due to start on October 1, 2023.

A $50,000 grant to the non-profit Digital Rights Nepal*** “to create a sustainable network of youth to promote digital rights, safer internet use and a collective resilience towards misinformation and disinformation.” The associated program is due to start on October 2, 2023.

***Digital rights are the new Internet Freedom (think Arab Spring).

Skeptical Notes:

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Shen Yi’s response to New York Times Hit Piece



As China Looks to Broker Gaza Peace, Antisemitism Surges Online

Shen Yi, a prominent professor of international relations at Fudan University, likened Israel’s attacks to acts of aggression perpetrated by Nazis. Among the comments on recent posts from the official social media account of Israel’s embassy in China were similar comparisons of Israelis to Nazis.

Previous video: Lies written in ink can never conceal the truth written in blood

Leaked: Israeli plan to ethnically cleanse Gaza

The document, issued on 13 October, identifies a plan to transfer all residents of the Gaza Strip to North Sinai as the preferred option among three alternatives regarding the future of the Palestinians in Gaza at the end of the current war between Israel and the Hamas-led Palestinian resistance

Shen Yi’s full response

“Summit for Democracy” – Enhancing Empire, Not Defending “Democracy”

December 3, 2021 (Brian Berletic – NEO) – The very first “Summit for Democracy” will be held in early December 2021. Organized by the United States, it will include “leaders from government, civil society, and the private sector,” all unilaterally picked by the United States who, by implication, has unilaterally declared itself arbiter of which nations are deemed “democratic” and by process of counting the uninvited, those deemed “undemocratic.”

“Summit for Democracy” – Enhancing Empire, Not Defending “Democracy”

Covid-19 catch-22: Regime-change policies come packed with US pandemic relief

Covid-19 catch-22: Regime-change policies come packed with US pandemic relief

While the US public was forced to grovel for months for a $600 direct payment, the same piece of legislation pumps billions of dollars into “democracy programs” — US government code for regime-change operations via civil society NGOs — and foreign military assistance. The measly $600 survival checks pale in comparison to the massive foreign spending on regime change and titanic allocations to prop up US-friendly authoritarian militaries.

Washington finally admits it has been interfering in Hong Kong

Washington finally admits it has been interfering in Hong Kong

According to expert witnesses at the hearing, many protesters and journalists in Hong Kong rely on tools produced by the USAGM’s technology arm, the Open Technology Fund (OTF). “The Hong Kong protesters are protecting their identities from surveillance by OTF tools,” said Grant Turner, who was removed by Pack in August as the USAGM’s chief financial officer.


Oregon lawmakers demand answers after a report alleges that the Trump administration spied on protesters’ electronic communication

Pentagon – Use of surveillance planes in protests was legal

US government spy planes monitored George Floyd protests

