Donors to Bob Menendez Legal Defense Linked to ex-Terror Group

Disclosure: it’s a reprint of an article by Eli Clifton from The Responsible Statecraft and The Intercept. If you have a problem with that, this is for you.

Donors to Bob Menendez Legal Defense Linked to ex-Terror Group (archived)

Much of the cash in the fund — he has raised over $400,000 — comes from sources one might anticipate. New Jersey and New York donors with various business and political interests in his home state, including the real estate firm led by Jared Kushner’s family, have given the fund money. There are, however, many lesser-known donors. One is Ahmad Moeinimanesh, an electronic engineer from Northern California. Another is Hossein Afshari, also from California.


Iranian exiles, DC lobbyists and the campaign to delist the MEK

The Iranian American Community of Northern California. It paid $400,000 over the past year to a Washington lobby group, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, to work on Capitol Hill to work for the removal of the MEK from the list of foreign terrorist organisations. The company assigned several former members of Congress to the account. The IACNC has also organised events in support of unbanning the MEK with appearances by Ros-Lehtinen and other prominent members of Congress as well as former White House officials.

Its director, Ahmad Moeinimanesh, has made personal financial donations to Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, the chair of the House of Representatives foreign affairs committee even though her congressional district is on the other side of the country in Florida, as well as to her reelection committee. She has accepted more than $20,000 in political contributions from activists who support the MEK’s delisting.

The IACNC’s registered address is at a photocopying shop in Albany, California, owned by Behnam Mirabdal who has made financial donations to Ros-Lehtinen and Dana Rohrabacher, a subcommittee chairman who is among the most vigorous proponents of unbanning the MEK.

The American mainstream media suppresses the assassination of six US advisors by the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK)

The American mainstream media suppresses the assassination of six US advisors by the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK)

Alireza Niknam

American media always try to move in line with current American policies. Maintaining the hegemony and strong image that exists in the world from America is always the responsibility of the media of this country. Therefore, regarding the US foreign policy on a shallow and unimportant issue of the Mojahedin-e Khalq, these media are supposed to move in the same direction and follow the strategies of the American foreign policymakers.

The American mainstream media suppresses the assassination of six US advisors by the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK)


Mojahedin Khalq began their terror campain by killing Americans

Three U.S. Civilians Slain By Guerrillas in Teheran


Iran: The West Prepares Yet Another Regime Change War

13-11-2023: In what seems to be rather convenient, a war between the Israeli state and Palestine has broken out, in response to the indiscriminate terrorist acts of Hamas on October 7. It comes just at the time when the NATO armed Nazified forces in Ukraine had come to a standstill with a completely failed “offensive” in which the Western proxies reportedly lost 90 000 servicemen dead, 600 destroyed tanks and around 1900 armoured vehicles.[1] Following on from a fraudulent “Covid pandemic”, and NATO’s blundering proxy war against Russia, “all of a sudden” the Israel/Palestine issue has taken the headlines. Yet this latest scenario, which has reportedly taken around 9000 Palestinian lives[2] alongside around 1300 Israeli lives[3] is arguably one more deadly ploy to provide cover for another catastrophe – a US led war for regime change on the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI). In what appears as a grotesque bait and switch, Washington and its imperialist allies have set off a powder keg situation backed by 75 years of injustice against Palestine as a foil for Wall Street to finally be given an excuse to topple the Iranian revolution which has been a thorn in their side since 1979.

Iran: The West Prepares Yet Another Regime Change War


The WSWS, Iran’s economy, the Basij & Revolutionary Shi’ism: an 11-part series (archived)

Shen Yi’s response to New York Times Hit Piece



As China Looks to Broker Gaza Peace, Antisemitism Surges Online

Shen Yi, a prominent professor of international relations at Fudan University, likened Israel’s attacks to acts of aggression perpetrated by Nazis. Among the comments on recent posts from the official social media account of Israel’s embassy in China were similar comparisons of Israelis to Nazis.

Previous video: Lies written in ink can never conceal the truth written in blood

Leaked: Israeli plan to ethnically cleanse Gaza

The document, issued on 13 October, identifies a plan to transfer all residents of the Gaza Strip to North Sinai as the preferred option among three alternatives regarding the future of the Palestinians in Gaza at the end of the current war between Israel and the Hamas-led Palestinian resistance

Shen Yi’s full response

IRGC Spokesman Warns Iran will respond in kind to any US action as 3,000+ U.S. Sailors, Marines Reach Red Sea

Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has warned the United States against any act of mischief in the region, including seizure of ships.

IRGC spokesman: Iran will respond in kind to any US action, mischief in region


3,000+ U.S. Sailors, Marines Reach Red Sea as Biden’s Middle East Build-Up Continues

‘What is your business here?’: Iran equips navy with drones, missiles

A massive new US embassy complex in a tiny Middle East nation is raising eyebrows

Source: US embassy in Beirut on Twitter

A massive new US embassy complex in a tiny Middle East nation is raising eyebrows

Sprawling over a 43-acre site, the complex in the Beirut suburb of Awkar is almost two-and-a-half times the size of the land the White House sits on and more than 21 soccer fields.

Plans for the embassy complex were announced in 2015 and it is reported to have cost $1 billion.

Lebanon is part of the Belt and Road Initiative.

The Best Way To Protect US Troops in Syria

Last week saw a sharp increase in attacks on US troops occupying northeastern Syria, with a drone strike against a US base blamed on “pro-Iran” forces and a US counter-strike said to have killed at least 19 people. After the US retaliation, another strike by “pro-Iran” forces hit a number of US sites in Syria. It may be just a matter of time before there are more strikes against the 900 US troops based in Syria against Syria’s wishes. One US contractor was killed last time. Next time it could be many more Americans.

The Best Way To Protect US Troops in Syria