ADL’s penetration of the FBI & negative consequences for human rights activism

The ADL has been trying to liaise with the FBI by offering ADL investigators as informants, offering to exchange files to “avoid duplication of investigation” and “train” FBI and law enforcement personnel since the 1940s.

What have been the negative consequences for human rights activists?

IRmep presents findings from years of Freedom of Information Act filings at a number of relevant Washington, DC locations.

ADL files FBI “Civil Rights Threat” conflating white nationalists with pro-Palestinian charities

FOIA documents: Israel Lobby Archive

ADL’s penetration of the FBI & negative consequences for human rights activism

Expropriate, Capture & Marginalize: the Energix business model from Palestine to the US

Energix expropriated 24 acres from a Palestinian community in the Israeli-occupied West Bank to boost its bottom line. When residents in the Israeli-occupied Golan questioned Energix electricity exports from massive wind turbines built on occupied land, Energix sued them in Israeli court.

Now Energix has brought its business practices to America. But can Energix get away with expropriating $26,000 from each home within 100 feet of its utility scale energy generators in Virginia? Will county boards of supervisors accept quiet Energix payoffs of $50,000 in exchange for 35-year licenses? Will the officials and associates of the Virginia Israel Advisory Board be allowed to engage in self-dealing with Energix and use false claims to propel Energix and other corrupt VIAB deals forward?

IRmep presents a short documentary about the Energix business model based on 90 Freedom of Information Act requests filed under the Commonwealth of Virginia sunshine law.

For FOIA information about Energix, see here.

Download the slides used in this video, here.

Expropriate, Capture & Marginalize: the Energix business model from Palestine to the US