IRGC launches ‘extensive’ retaliatory missile, drone strikes on occupied territories

Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has launched “extensive” retaliatory missile and drone strikes against the occupied territories in response to the Israeli regime’s terrorist attack of April 1 against the Islamic Republic’s diplomatic premises in the Syrian capital Damascus.

IRGC launches ‘extensive’ retaliatory missile, drone strikes on occupied territories

Another Zionist assassination in Damascus next to South African Embassy

Another Zionist assassination in Damascus next to South African Embassy

The IRGC announced the martyrdom of 4 of its advisors in Syria, including the head of intelligence in Syria and his deputy:

– Hojatollah Omidvar

– Ali Aqazadeh

– Hossein Mohammadi

– Saeed Karimi

Additional Syrians were murdered in the attack, alongside uninvolved civilians. Severe damage to civilian property was caused in the Israeli aggression on the Syrian capital.

The attack was in Western Villas, central Damascus close to the UN and other Embassies. This is a high security area.

Vanessa Beeley


Four IRGC advisors assassinated in Israeli aggression on Syria

Iranian Revolutionary Guards Killed in Israeli Strike on Damascus

IRGC Spokesman Warns Iran will respond in kind to any US action as 3,000+ U.S. Sailors, Marines Reach Red Sea

Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has warned the United States against any act of mischief in the region, including seizure of ships.

IRGC spokesman: Iran will respond in kind to any US action, mischief in region


3,000+ U.S. Sailors, Marines Reach Red Sea as Biden’s Middle East Build-Up Continues

‘What is your business here?’: Iran equips navy with drones, missiles

US partially lifts Iran sanctions to stoke “anti-government protests by providing internet access, the Treasury Department said”

US partially lifts Iran sanctions

Iranian officials have already alleged that forces from “outside the country” are working to stir up unrest over Amini’s death. On the same day that protesters first took to the streets in Iran, China warned fellow members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which Iran joined that day, to beware of foreign-instigated “color revolutions.”

H/T: Syriana Analysis


Millions rally across Iran to condemn violent foreign-backed riots

“The enemy’s recent plot, which is followed by collecting, unifying, organizing and training all the failed and scattered capacities and equipping them with weapons of violence and Daesh-style behavior, is a vain attempt and doomed to failure,” the IRGC said in the Thursday’s statement.

At least 35 people have been killed, including five security personnel, during the “fiery but mostly peaceful” protests (over 60 ambulances have been destroyed). MEK claims that the death toll is 4X more than is being being reported.

On another note, Elon Musk told Augustin Antonelli that he will “save” Cuba, as well. Agus Antonelli is from the right wing think tank, Fundación Libertad. Fundación Libertad is affiliated with the Atlas Network, which has “quietly” received funding from the NED, the State Department, and the USAID.